I don't even desire for your pure heart

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Author's pov.
Jungkook locked the box and came out from the carriage, being unknown with the fact that someone was inside it .

"Why do I feel like I'm did something foolish?" Jungkook talked to himself walking... He smacked his head and shooked his head "pabo Jungkook stfu" he scolded himself.
He reached to the older ones .
"All set Jungkook?" Mingyu asked sitting on the white horse beside his Hyung who was observing his little brother's actions. Jungkook rolled his eyes off ignoring him hopedon his horse.
"oh wow someone Managed to sit on their horse without falling for the first time" tae mocked him indirectly but got ignored by Jungkook .

and "we should leave Minister Jin?
I don't want to travel in dark" Jungkook said maturely . Taehyung chuckled while everyone compressed their laughs . "Shall we your highness?" Jin asked to which Tae nods .
"Chief Guard the last carriage is shaking vibrantly , kindly go slow" Taehyung heard his servants and guards talking and his eyes diverted to that carriage "Hyung shall we leave?" Mingyu interrupts and Taehyung nods taking a last glance at it .

Y/n's pov.

"Y/n daughter come with me , I wanna show u something" Mother queen dragged me with her .
"Eomma I'll see it later , I've som-" she cuts me off
"come on Y/n just for today be with me , anyways your husband isn't here so u can be with me" she speaks in a teasing tone . I looked elsewhere not knowing what to say .
Uhhh what do I do , that Kim Monster Taehyung left. How do I follow him ? now. Lord help me , don't let him go .

??? Pov.

"Oh lord i didn't realise when I fell asleep" the person inside the box opened their eyes . "Why isn't the carriage moving"
the person tried to hear outside's
noise but nothing could be heard. That person tried to sneak out and that's when they realise they're in trouble.
"WTF" they cursed . "JUNGKOOK LOCKED U JENNIE" that person who's none other than Kim Taehyung's childhood friend and wife .

"AAH... I DON'T WANT TO DIE , DO SOMETHING JENNIE. HELP SOMEONE!!!! " she talked to herself and screams, she kept pushing the box with force

And after a while the box fell down the carriage and the box opened suddenly "OMG" she screamed not because she fell but because she fell in cow dung.
Her face was fully designed by the art of mother cow .
"Ewwwwwwwwwww" she vommits .
But what she didn't realised everyone, along with the king is standing there.

"Sister-in-law? First time u look so heavenly" Jungkook compliments her catching her attention.
"Shut up" she irritatedly says . Jk was  cracking into laughter , but as soon he got a glare from Taehyung he stopped.
Tae was folding his hand and standing there.
"Everyone leave" Tae ordered and everyone obeyed.

"What is this all Jennie?" Taehyung asked sternly , Jennie tried to explain but Taehyung cuts her off. 
"Shut up !!! How dare u disobey me" he said and she flinched.
"Taehyung please understand-"
"because of you we couldn't leave for
Illsan , you're going to stay out of my site and understand that" he says leaving her and walking out from there while Jennie ran behind her . 
"Taehyung stop" she screams . He didn't listen to her.  "Taehyung if you don't stop I'll do something" she warns only if it made him stay
"Fine , if you really hate me so much for that one mistake lemme just fix your problem I'll never show u my face again" and with that she jumped in the river making his steps slow ....

He turned back to see the river gulping , "JENNIE"

At the palace :-
Taehyung carried an unconscious Jennie who was soaked in water in his arms in bridal style
"Medic" he yelled catching attention and making crowd.  "OMG Jennie" Mother queen came running and then slowly you too came .
You saw the view and it made you feel different, Taehyung carrying his another wife. It disturbed u and you felt weird but it's not like you owned him . You shrugged your feelings and followed them .

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