My tigress is growling?

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Author's pov.
That announcement was shocking and thrilling for everyone. You tried to say something but before that
"And the people who have objections from this will be exiled from Daegu" Seok Jin announced... Your raised your eyebrows...
Jungkook held you back from saying anything. You sighed and maintained your cool expression ,

"Your Highness!!! How can you forget to announce the most crucial thing?" A voice Interrupts... Looking in that direction you found the same guy . He saw you and falshed his beautiful smile at you .

Tae gazed at Jin , and Jin spoke further that . "Along with this we have a special information for the upcoming few days The King will be out to ILSAN Kingdom accompanied by Prince Mingyu and any whom kings wishes to take" with that Jin bowed to everyone and it came to an end .
"Y/niee are you ok?"
You smirked "absolutely Prince but few other people won't be" Jk gulped "don't worry little bunny you aren't in that list" you pat his head and went from there . "Kim Taehyung may lord save you from your wife" he prayed for his brother.

Namjoon's pov.
"Do you know Uncle ? That Your son gets manipulated so easily" he talked with the sleeping body . "Y/n is not gonna tolerate it anymore... And now Taehyung does need to learn a lesson" Namjoon Chuckled.

Later :-
"Maids where is our delicacies ?" Woosung yelled at them . "I'm sorry Your Highness will just bring it" the maid bows and runs out if fear .
Woosung was sitting in his room with his father
"It isn't a big deal son , there's alot more to go , that Taehyung needs to be creul and heartless and in our side but again I fear that if that stupid girl makes him soft" Zain said fiddling his fingers ..
"Appa she already doubts me ,
Y/n Y/n Y/n ... I just have a desire to fuck that attitude out of that bitch .."
He said and Zain gave a slight smirk pouring the soju in their glasses . "Son she's not easy to get because of two reasons first she's Min Yoongi's Sister and secondly bcoz she's Kim Taehyung's Wife" Zain marked gulping his drink .
"I don't like easy things and you know it appa , but I swear I'll make her beg infront of me and also crush Taehyung's pride , I'll ruin Y/n-" Suddenly a voice cuts him off and that person made both the son and father choke on their drinks .

"Did someone take my name?" It was none other than you , Zain was scared that if by chance you heard their conversation... They would be dead .
"Prince I heard you guys were hungry" You approached them and behind you the maids with the meal in the trolley. "Y/n d-daughter when did u c-came?"

Y/n's pov.
Daughter huh ? You bastards I knew it were you both behind all these .... Now just wait and watch how do I trap you both in your own game .
"Just now with the maids of honour" you smiled and both of them sighed in relief. "And you both know what I especially helped the maids to prepare your food" you said , they both looked at eachother. "Why?" Woosung asked eyeing me "as you know the king considers me as a slave so it's a job" both of them smirked "ohh finally you know your place" Woosung spoke to which u just nodded . You served them the food but Jackson slightly pushed it towards you
"Why don't you try and check if everything taste good?" Woosung told , you scoffed "Now Zain Uncle you only think ... If my family in Busan is hungry how can I eat?" You started with the mellow drama , it gave statisfactory to both of them. "It's all because of you Princess only if you didn't acted over smart" Zain said , you just listened to him .
Soon they were eating but a quite minutes later they suddenly looked at each-other. And a scream left their mouth at the same time .
"AAHHHHHHH" they started jumping and running around , you stood up compressing your laugh looking innocent

"What did you mixed there ?" Woosung screamed searching for water . "Istg I didn't do anything.. maybe accidentally I added a jar of chillies" you spoke cunningly. "Y/n bring water" Zain screams, and you came up with a jar ... But left it on the head of man spilling it over him "opps" but the old man started licking his own face ye to sensation.
"You bitch-"
"YOU BITCH-" before he could speak any further he choked on his food which was neither able to be digested nor able to spit out . But the next step that you took shook both of their heart .

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