A womanizer?!

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Taehyung's pov.
My eyes opened because of the sunlight directly falling on my eyes . Looking around I didn't even get a glimpse of her on bed .
I chuckled to myself before getting up.
"I make her uncomfortable? She disgusts me , I'm creul" my fists clenched looking at my reflection in the mirror.
"are u insane Kim Taehyung? Is she making u go crazy . You could have crushes her jaw for saying that then why didn't u? Fucking bastard" I cursed myself with pure frustration .
"I hate her !!!!!!!"

Hobi's pov.
I was finding a way to keep an eye on the queen as ik if I go and ask her directly she won't ever tell me anything.
"Listen is the queen inside" I asked a maid , she kept bowing to me and answered "queen just went to take a bath" I nodded to her and asked her to leave .
Yoongi Hyung was too busy in the war things and I didn't want to make him more pressurized telling him about the queen .
With cat feets i decided to enter her room . Ever since our father left us we never ever entered this room , nor approached her .
The room was dark , did she change it ? I remember when we were kids she used to keep her room bright .

I was looking around when I almost flinched seeing a huge painting.
What the hell is that ? Such paintings when did she start liking these things?
So horrifying.
It looked so real as if it was painted with real fresh blood .

I gulped and made courage to touch the painting"Hobi?" I flinched, it was the queen

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I gulped and made courage to touch the painting
"Hobi?" I flinched, it was the queen .
"Queen I-I j-just-" before i could speak further she hugged me . I don't know how to respond to that so I stood straight.
"It's been so long since my son visited his eomma . I missed u" she spoke and pulled back I kept quiet while she cried.
I couldn't see that .
"Queen Don't cry" I told her and she smiled wiping her tears . "Queen didn't u had a phobia of darkness? your room seems so dull" I asked her straightforward. She turned around
"With time everything changes. Didn't you and your brother sister changed too son?" She questioned me back with a smile. It was getting awkward.

"I was just looking for Sara , and came here , I'll leave now" I said bowing to her . It took me so much courage to make a lie but atleast i didn't stutter .
It's getting so suspicious.


"Ahhhh" I screamed as I felt someone
crushing me in their arms
but they closed my mouth "It's me Y/nie your kookie" I sighed as I saw it was Jungkook. He removed his hand and flashed a bunny smile .
"You scared me" I said giggling . "Don't say that too loud , if hyung come to know I'll be dead meat" Jungkook joked , my smile dropped listening to his name .
"Did I say something wrong?" Jungkook looked at me out of concern .
I turned to him but noticed a cut on his eyebrow . "how did th-" he cuts me off "oh it's nothing" he said making his voice deep bravely. My hands approached to touch it and i could see him gulping , I rubbed it slowly . "Aahhh it hurts" he ended up crying like a baby
"You should be careful Prince" I told making him sit on the small block in the garden , while I bought some ointment and applied on the injury .
"that Uncle Zain made me battle with a sumo and he threw me like a ball" he says making me break into laughter , he laughed with me too .

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