Aren't you being too Soft

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-Author's pov.-
The guards were holding a guy who was like a criminal and he had a knife too which no one noticed . He ran towards us suddenly and approached Taehyung . Before i warn him he jumped on us and

You yelled and Taehyung turned back but before anything could happen.

You hurriedly pushed him aside , Taehyung stumbled on his feets but somehow managed to stand and here , the man attacked on you ... the sharpness of the blade , gives your hand a cut ....
"Y/N !" Taehyung screamed , the people gathered around you and some ladies came to help you .
Tae held you by both your arms "I'm ok ! Tae it's j-just a slight cut" you said seeing him panicking , anger rising in him. He took a glance on your arms "Take care of her" Tae said gritting his teeth .... And walked to the man , the man was already shivering and trembling that the blood cotted knife fell down . Looking up when he glanced at Tae's death glare , he fell on his knees on his legs , already begging for forgiveness. "Pl-ease forg-ive me m-y lor-d I'm inn-ocent ... Please don't ki-ll me" the man begged him
Before Tae could do or say something from the back a voice interrupted him "FORGIVE YOU ? DO YOU EXPECT THAT FROM THE KING , Not only you injured Princess Y/n but also you attacked at Queen Mother" Zain yelled on top of his lungs .

Everyone till now knew that you were both from the royal family and Him as The King itself
The last few words left you and Tae in confusion. Tae looked at you back with a confused look but seeing an expression less face he turned around and without wasting time , he started bitting and punching that man badly ....

Someone there was sighing in relief but still smirking meanwhile the sounds of getting bitten caught your attention.

Y/n's pov.
In saving Taehyung , I injured my right arm , I knew Taehyung would get furious at this moment but before he did something to the man he was already apologizing to Tae . Somewhere and somewhat i found innocence in him. And the next lines that I heard made it sure . Uncle Zain said that he's the one who attacked on the queen also whereas we all know that , There was no one it was just a drama we created.

I soon came out from my thoughts when I saw an angry Taehyung bitting him badly .

I won't let this happen coz idk about what he did now , but one thing was sure he wasn't the culprit. "Taehyung no ! Stop your actions" I restricted him , but he was unstoppable
"Your Highness ! What is going on" Seok Jin came running , I asked him for help me but he gulped seeing Tae so angry . "What Minister Jin ?how can you let your king bit an innocent?" I asked but he stood bowing his head . I was pulling Tae by his arms
"Stop Your Highness" I said "Y/n move back" He replied . "Uncle Zain please say something" I asked "Princess It's the king I can't do anything ! But how are you so sure that he is innocent" Zain asked me back "and how are you so sure that he's a culprit?" I fired back , Uncle Zain went dumbfounded.
Arghhh... This Taehyung was so creuly bitting him...

I didn't had any option left other then jumping in between , before the man dies . He's next punch was accurately gonna fall on my face and I closed my eyes tightly .
After not feeling anything I opened my eyes slowly , My eyes met with his angry eyes . But soon he stated something ".Y/N.GET.ASIDE." he Gritted his teeth . I shook my head as a no . "STEP BACK I SAID !" He again said "AND I SAID NO!" I replied in the same confidence.

Tae was getting annoyed by me and it was written on his face clearly. The people started laughing and giggling seeing us both fighting .
"Y/n Don't forget who am I ! YOU'RE NO ONE TO ORDER ME , he did wrong and he deserves punishment" he marked it so easily . "Y-Yeah ! Who a-am I to you ? But don't you Forget it's not your court neither you have a crown 👑 on your head to make decisions" I replied in a stern voice and fierce voice .

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