It's Y/n

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"LEAVE !!!!! LET ME DIE IT'S BETTER THEN SEEING YOUR FACE" he screamed and you flinched .

He kept pushing you away from him and finally his eyes closed and he wasn't breathing ...

Author's pov.
"TAEHYUNG!!!" you yelled on top of your lungs , tapping his cheeks pulling him closer . You kept his head on your laps but it fell down . The weather changes suddenly and turns out to be gloomy and the thunder striked "open your e-eyes ple-ease..." you cried .
"HELP !!! SOMEONE ... Tae please don't loose hope.. I'm there" you shook his body
You looked everywhere in terms to collect help but then decided to carry him but he was too heavy . You made him stood somehow and dragged him with you , his head laid on your shoulder . "Is there someone pl-pleAse he-lp" only silence responses. You sensed his breaths fanning on your neck , he kept mumbling something ... "Tae please keep y-your eyes open a-nd stand" you told .
"Y/n.. ..Y/n" it felt like he wanted to say something to but all it came out in gibberish... " are you speaking.. Taehyung I c..cant get u" you said , he weakly pointed his hands towards a direction but as soon as you would have looked in that direction, his hands immediate force pushed you and you fell down but what came in your witness was the man who parted you away was shot by an arrow which was directly digged into his chest.

The blood sprinkled on your face .. blood was ozing from his chest and you felt numb seeing that he was still smiling looking at you then he closed his eyes. Without even thinking once you pulled out the sharp arrow and threw it away . You glanced at him before . And kept staring at him...

"Your Highness" Zain , and Jin came running towards you both ... when the two rushed , you didn't react "MINISTER JIN ! TAKE TAEHYUNG BACK TO PALACE and MEDICATE HIM ... please fast" you shouted hugging Taehyung's body "guards bring zhe carriages now" Jin ordered , sounds of horses running approached your direction indicating the people returning, you noticed a Happy Jennie coming back with a proud smirk and Jimin behind her "Tae see we won and-" she stopped watching the scene infront of her , she looked at you and her eyes got teary she got very angry , she kneeled down and shook him "Tae hey ... Taehyung wak-e u..p it's me your Jennie" but only if he responds "Y/n how this?" Jimin asked but before you could answer "Princess the Carriage came we have to be fast ..." Jin announced , you nodded trying to catch a hold on Tae but
Lexi pushed you away harshly from Taehyung. "STAY AWAY!" They took him away from you and you kept looking at his face without blinking.

(At the palace)-
You all cane back soon two kids welcomed you happily
"here comes Y/niee ! Who won ? My hyung right?" Jungkook asked approaching you , "nooo... Y/n eomma you won !!! For sure" he sticks out his tongudme to Jk as he does the same , suddenly from back two ladies entered "let my babies have some rest you brats" Mother queen pulled their ears "come Princess fresh up ! Where is Your Highness?" Aalima said but you only chose to look down with calmness.
Aalima lifted your face "you're crying?" Environment became serious
"what happened my baby? Are u ok?" Mother queen asked but all she saw next was
A SeokJin and Jimin carrying a brutally injured King inside the medic room .
"Taehyung!!" Mother queen's heart teared apart seeing his child in such a condition, "Hyu-nggg.." Jungkook's smile drops and all the happiness was washed away within a second .. he ran to his hyung , Aalima covered Soobin in his arms and hugged him .
"ho-w did t-his happen?" She held your arms and shooked your body. You didn't reply "Y/n I'm asking something" she repeats raising her voice a bit. "Eom-ma t-ha-I-" someone cuts you off
It was Jennie , everyone was confused "what do you want to say ... SPEAK PROPERLY PRINCESS JENNIE" before Jennie could open her mouth a maid came and said "Mother Queen The King is mummering Princess
Y/n's name" she bowed . Everyone rushed to the Royal medic room .

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