It happened accidentally

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Author's pov.

you were hurt hearing to him talking

like that with you without him knowing how much you suffered for him. "What do you mean?" You asked boldly , no chances of you going to be scared of him . He jerked you closer to him . "Don't act innocent , you know what I Mean" he gritted his teeths , griping your hands more and more "aahhh leave that hurts me" you screamed "does it?" He asked smirking
"Yk what even after getting out of this huge mess you're still that arrogant king" you spat back on his face . He wriggled his eyebrows getting your unexpected replies . "Aren't you becoming too bold to TALK BACK?" with that he flipped you around and made you fall on his lap while his arm was around your neck. This much closeness was making you feel nervous , but why ? Didn't you used to sleep with him every night hugging and cuddling him ? "T-Taehyung-I-" you shuttered giving him a chance to smirk "what happened are you scared of being close to me?" he asked lowering his voice as much as he could do teasing you. "N-never" you told
He hugs you from back slipping his hands to your waist and keeping his chin on your shoulders. "YOU KNOW WHAT GET USED TO THIS ! For me you're my and only mine Slave , My princess Jennie she's such a goddess of beauty and my concubines they are so obedient to me unlike you who keeps running away from me" he said that all in his deep husky voice. But are you just a slave for him yes what else , afterall that's what he thinks of you from the time you got married . Your eyes got glycerined and it angered you very much . It all felt wasted to help this man who doesn't even gives a shit about you.

You didn't realise when he left you "aren't you willing to get up?" He asked smiling , you pulled yourself back to place and stood there fixing your clothes . Looking up you told something that hopefully hurted his pride . "SURE YOUR HIGHNESS ! But what about you ? Coz I'm sure no lady could statisfy you that's why you're still running behind a slave like me ? Aren't you-" Taehyung cuts you with rage in his eyes "Yo-" you cut him off
"I HAVEN'T COMPLETED YET - YES SO I WAS SAYING ... BETTER LOOK AT YOURSELF BEFORE POINTING AT OTHERS !" That's how you completed and Taehyung was too stunned to speak . He realised you didn't changed at all . You smiled "Your Highness
I maybe leave now actually I got people to concern for who really respects me and my dignity" you bowed to him while he was just glaring you as if you were his prey . With your legs limping you got out of his room .

"You'll regret messing with me Min Yoongi's Sister!" Taehyung gritted his teeth banging his hand on the bed .

Y/n's pov.
If I remembered this is how he is gonna behave I would have never did anything for him . Why didn't I left him like that ?
"Jerk he's a jerk . I hate him so much" I said frustrated "Hey ! What happened to my fireball?" Somebody tapped on your shoulders , your bestfriend Jimin . "Jimin that KIM TAEHYUNG he's still the same" I mumbled angry and earned a chuckle from him . I glared at him "you think it's funny Chim?" I asked him with an uninterested tone folding my hands "ofcourse coz whom are you expecting to change Him ?
THE KIM TAEHYUNG... Oh stop it" he laughed walking away . I looked towards Taehyung's room door and rolled my eyes but soon I heard a sound of breaking , ohk I angered him ...
Run !

Few days later :-
In the royal court :-
The king back to his job and now sitting in his honourable position . Everyone was present there along with you , from that day you both were back to always bricking and telling each-other how much you hated eachother...
Taehyung slowly came to know about what took place in the palace while he was unconscious. Jennie didn't left a chance to tell him how much she cried and how she took care of him . But Taehyung he was also known with the fact that she wasn't the one. From the day he got back to his senses he didn't get a nice sleep ... He kept missing something, his comfort zone same happened with You .
And now at present there you were sitting looking straight and him staring at you . "Your Majesty the next Discussion is about the attack that was happened to you" SeokJin announced catching Tae's attention. He cleared his throat and asked "what about that?" "Your Highness all the Royals have request you to announce death to the k-killer" He said hesitated. Taehyung furrows his eyebrows in confusion "what do you mean Minister Jin ?Did you all catch him" he questions . You were very patiently listening and waiting to Taehyung know the truth actually neither you nor anyone was allowed to tell something about the situations for his health concerns. "Y-Yes the killer is the prince of Busan Min Yoongi" Jin spoke , everyone waited for Taehyung's reaction but he was as cold as ice . He was as if in deep thoughts . Your hopes seem clashing.
"What are you thinking my child announce him a death" Zain interrupts standing up , you shook your head looking at Jungkook he blinked his eyes to say don't panick.
Taehyung looked everywhere and then his eyes met with your pearl ones .
He looked straight and responded
"I KIM TAEHYUNG SENTENCE MY KILLER TO HANG HIM" your body felt numb hearing him . "I don't think so anyone have any objection to the King's decisi-" Zain got cut off by you .
You came out from behind the transperant curtains that were infront of every royal ladies seat.
"I OBJECT ! THE DECISION" you mentioned boldly. Woosung stood up and argued "The decision is made and it can't be chan-" you didn't let him finish , how easily he could lie ? You were disgusted from him .
"NEITHER THE RANDOM PERSONS NOR THE KING IS ALLOWED TO TAKE DECISION WITHOUT HAVING PROOFS" you almost growled . Taehyung was observing each of your moves , he expected that from you to oppose him.
He quietly saw the drama going on .
"What kinda proof does one needs , isn't it clear that if Yoongi took out the bullets from Your Highness' gun and risked his life and also accepted that by himself and that also clears that he wants to kill the king for his revenge" Zain spoke against ,
"do you know my Oppa more better than me? Or can you just not keep yourself calm ? I repeat again I was the one who took those bullets out and infact the King himself knows ? Am I right?" you looked at Taehyung to answer and support your statement but he kept mum . It angered you much .
"Your highness if I'm allowed I would like to add too.. that this Y/n should also be punished with her brother for risking your life" Jennie comes out in the argument. You heard each of them cracking your knuckles . Taehyung saw how your hand turned into ball . "That isn't right ! And even everyone deserves a chance to explain" Jungkook took your side . "Oh Please Princess stop defending your murderer brother he clearly used that arrow so on-" Woosung mocked and that was enough for you to give them all a fearless response "AND HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT MY BROTHER USED THAT ARROW ? Prince Woosung answer me? You weren't even there and his did come to know about this attack before anyone else ? I remember you not being there? It were me , the king , Zain uncle , Jimin , Jennie and Jin ... And if you were not there then where were you?" Woosung and everyone was shocked , sweats covered his face . "I-I was in the palace itself" Woosung shuttered "so was Jungkook but he didn't know th-" Zain suddenly cuts you off "I object your highness Princess is trying to divert us from the topic and dragging my son and your close brother in this stupidity , I request you to ask her leave the hall" Taehyung heared everything clearly . "I WON'T why Would I ? I have the full right as The King's Wife to keep my point and do whatever I want . And it's also my duty as wife to stop him from doing something which is inappropriate" You gritted your teeth glaring deep in Taehyung's eyes. "So I request the law and the King to Set the Prince of Busan free and send him back to his kingdom with all respect and PROPER apologies from each of the person who disrespected him as there's no proof against him" you spoke boldly and everyone was stunned , Jungkook was so proud of you . Aalima and Mother Queen were also happy to see you fighting for good . Taehyung gestured something to SeokJin and he bowed to him before approaching him . Everyone saw Jin writing something on papers and everyone was aware what is it . Jin read it infront of everyone.

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