I'm Pregnant

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Author's pov :-
The manly body ran to his mother's chamber all in hurry to look after her whereas here you both Daughter-in-law and Mother-in-law where planning something else "Eomma ? You're OK with it nah?" You asked "Yes daughter today you'll see your Mother-in-law's acting skills" she said with a smirk , you giggled on her words .

But then she picked a knife and made a slight cut on her shoulder "eomma !!" You yelled and she said "yes like that ! Scream wait let me sleep on the bed" she jumped on the bed excitedly "eomma what was that?" You asked "Daughter it should look real nah?" She stated winking "but not like this eomma we could say that the person hit you why did you-" she cuts you off "Shhh... Y/niee.. I'm okay" she replies and then you all heard the running footsteps coming towards your room .

"All the best Y/n" she said "Y-You too" you responded .

And here the king enters in a messy night suit followed by other Jennie , Aalima , Jungkook and Zain

He rushed to the Mother Queen and immediately screamed in anger "EOMMA !!! WHO THE FUCK CAME HERE ?!!!!!!!!!" Everyone flinches knowing how mush protective he is for he's mother . And you there were a little trembled in the corner "eomma are you ok ? Are you hurt?" Jungkook asked sitting opposite to her "Jungkook why don't you ask your fav. Y/n ? She was here with eomma" mocked Jennie .

And then the very next you met with the dark orbs of Kim Taehyung . You gulped coz you were bad at lieing but with all your strength you came forward and said "Y-Your Highness a bl-ack dressed theif came for stealing but hurt-ed u-s " you said shuttering.
On which Zain said " princess what were you doing here?"

"Your Highness I came here to call eomma for breakfast" you replied
Everyone doubts so "Ahhh...Ohh..Tae & Koo it hurts" mother Queen yelps ... Jk called some maids and they started treating her

"But Tae who would dare to steal in the king's palace?" Jennie still tried to spoil your plan "That's not the point the matter is he tried to harm my mother" he grinned glaring at the maids telling them to apply the cream on his mother's injury slowly .

"But Your Highness I don't think it's so important now coz we have other more imp things to do so-" Zain said but gets cut off by the queen mother

"But Zain does it not matter that he tried to harm there mom , Tae will you leave that person like this only without punishing?" Mother Queen said wanting Tae to React and it really triggered him ... "Eomma Don't You know your son ? I'll cut that soul into pieces" tae Gritted his teeth and broke the case beside him .

"Jungkook tell minister Jin to get ready i myself will kill that rat" Tae marked his words "I'll also come " you yelled Tae raised his eyebrow "and why can I ask?" Interrupted Jennie "Because I saw that person I'll help Ta- I mean the King" you said and Tae left without saying anything along with others.

Time passes :-
You entered Taehyung's chamber without his permission being excited about the plan with something in your hand . "Stop !!!" Tae ordered in a strict voice you stopped on your way "Go out and ask for the permission!" Tae said "What?" You asked "I don't repeat myself" he said and you went out "May i come in your Highness?" You asked "No ! I'm busy" Taehyung replied wearing his shoes "Ok then I'll tell eomma that yo-" he cuts you off "Get the hell in" he said and you got inside smirking , you looked at him from head to toe and commented

"You will go in this?" You asked with a '😬' face to which he responded "Who are you to ask me that?" He said turning to you "I'm Kim Taehyung's Wife" you responded tugging your hand around his neck , he looked at your hands and then at you with his glares . You just flashed your beautiful smile "Wear this" you passed him a simple villagers dress up to which he made an 'are you kidding me' face . "Are you out of your mind ? You want the king to wear this? Don't forget that you're my sla-" he was
continually speaking when you keep your index finger on his lips

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