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Let's get to the Background :

So this story is about a heartless king and Brave princess , as you all already know , I already have introduced you to some of the casts (REFER TO INTRO) .
But let's know something more about them .
So firstly talking about the princess , (that's you) You have a two brothers Yoongi and Hobi and a sister. But she isn't own sister, she the daughter of your mother and your step father who is presently the king of Busan
(it's your kingdom) you three love
Your Sister as she is your own but at the same time you three hate the king alot , not only for taking your own father's place but because the kingdom is in wrong hands , he is always drunk , doesn't care about the kingdom and to play gamble with the other kings .
Your Sister in 12 yrs old and is very naughty. Your father was killed by Taehyung.

Meanwhile our king Taehyung
He is the king on Daegu from the age of 11 only. Well your and Taehyung's father were Bestfriend. There was an incident that took place and everything changed all of a sudden . You were just 3 year old when your father died . Yoongi and you both hates Taehyung and his whole family ....
And want to take revenge , whereas there is still war going on between both the kingdoms .
Let me remind you that Taehyung yet doesn't knows about you bcoz when that incident took place you were just 1 year old and then both of your fathers got separated as Taehyung's father died .

As you were a little from that time only Yoongi being the adult taught you and Hobi to fight for yourself and the kingdom , that our kingdom in our first priority....
Well Yoongi is the only one who should be at the throne . But as your mother married a guy he was announced as the king ....


Crossing the rivers entering to a beautiful kingdom Busan , A big castle and there lives your family.
..... well every princes and princesses are habituated to live in the flower but petals and grow up there but in you siblings case it was different

"Y/n BE SAFE!" A loud voice came diverting your eye contacts back , the man on the horse jumps down and cuts the other person's head with his sword , he's yoongi .....
"Aaa....oppa you're bleeding !" You said "It nothing you be carefull & go catch him" he replied lying on the ground (yes you were all in the battle ground and with your one and biggest enemy Taehyung's kingdom) you nodded to him and escalated the speed of your horse ......

Everyone was fighting , this war is in your favor ..... coz today the king itself wasn't there ..... the battle's main motivate was not to capture his hole kingdom but atleast the capital of Daegu.....

"P-Princess please l-leave m-me I a-accept o-our defeat" the main on whose neck your sword was about to stab said....
You smirked and thought then said "ofcourse , atleast I m not like your King to kill innocent people but as you are with him you're also a cruel creature.... but No ! GO AND TELL YOUR THAT MONSTER THAT I , THE PRINCESS OF BUSAN IS ON THE WAY TO DESTROY HIM " with that he left joining his hands ..... he sat on his horse and ride to his Daegu .....

"You're gonna pay for everything !"

Meanwhile :
"Ahhh.....your..Highness you're too good ..." Moans echoing in a royal room guarded .... "Your Highness I am waiting!" The other lady said who was .
The man grabbed both the ladies at the same time by there waist and kissed them eventually.

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