Me your Oppa ?!!

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Y/n's pov.

I kept his head softly on my laps and brushed his hairs softly patting it . My eyes fell on his hands which were covered with blood due to bitting those men when i passed my hands to look out for it , he pulled my hands and
I fell on his face and my lips crashed on his and I felt him kissing me .

His Lips were damn soft and he was a good kisser for sure .... He's eyes were closed yet I felt hunger in his kiss
I don't what happened to me I also gave
up and lost my first kiss . He next hovered me and slowly backed off from the kiss next leading to kiss all over my face . Caressing my face with his thumb ... I would let him touch me but now I couldn't understand how to stop him too... He travelled his kisses slowly down on my necks and soon the kissing turned into sucking ...

But no I cannot give myself to him , just because he's also a good person won't change the fact that he killed my father , my brothers and I have to suffer so much and still he was making our lives hell . It's all because of the promise I'm here with him. I can't .

But now the thing was he's totally acting different , be felt drunk and unconscious whereas just now he was behaving like poisoned . There's alot of mystery in his life .

I came out of my thoughts when I felt him eating & bitting my earlobe . He hummed in statisfication .
He's hot breath touching my inner ear giving me a shivering sensation. I was getting weak . But Why ?
"Get a-way T-aehyung , this is-" he keeps his pointing finger on my lips to shut me. "SHHH....I want y-you " he said with a creaking upon my lips and staring into my eyes. His hand slide's through mine and he caught my one hand with his hand and another of his hand on my waist.

"No You-" he ignored my words and starts Tracing down my neck he stopped on my cleavage area . And
Then started leaving open mouth kisses which led me to moan "" I closed my mouth so in order not to turn him on more or else it would be difficult to restrict him .
Soon next I felt his hand going down to my abdomen . I know he was not in sense but that was enough.

I pushed him slightly and he fell the other side laying there , I tried to get up but he pulled me back and I fell on his chest . He mummered like a small baby "D-Don't g-o you said you'-ll be with me alwa-ys , I won't t-ouch y-ou but don-t go pleasee..." he said on the stage of crying . I wiped his tears with both my thumbs and replied "I'm n-ot going anywhere ... But Tae you should take rest" I said , suddenly he held my hand and took it to his head indicating me to pat him to sleep .

I layed on the ground on support of my one arm and he turned towards me , I encircled my hand around him and my chin on his head then I patted his head , he gripped my waist and held it tightly and snuggles....
He's innocence were pure and I could feel it soon after I hummed a song for him and don't know when he fell asleep.
But guess what I lost my first Kiss To this Cute- nahhh..nahhh..nahhh... Still a bit evil monster - a baby monster 😒.
"Guess what Baby Monster ? You'll regret it soon" I said Chuckling looking at his sleepy face which kept a pout on it and slept .

Author's pov.
Morning :-
You woke up and felt your side empty , when you opened your eyes ... You found no one beside you "Did this KIM TAEHYUNG left me alone?" You asked to yourself and hit your head for thinking stupids . You stood up and started looking for him everywhere "KIM TAE - HYUNGGGGGGG" you shouted and it echoed back . You came across the other side of the pond where usually it was just jungle and no one. "Taehyung ???" Your voice got low an upsetness took over "Did he really left me?" You asked and sat beside the pond and started cursing him . "What does he think of himself huh ? He's the king then he can do anything ? He left a beautiful girl alone in middle of the woods" You were talking your own rubbish when the shrubs behind you started shaking. You gulped and moved back thinking of an wild animal.

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