Under me

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Author's pov.
"Prepare Princess Y/n's room as the most romantic one ever" he said , you were confused what is he upto ? "Tonight I will make someone mine forever" he declared...
You looked at him in disbelief , and don't know what you proudly stood on the bed hands on your waist and said smirking "Baby Monster you forgetting I'm going to my Oppas" with that you jump and proudly started to walk out , but soon you realised that he held your head with his big hand and brought you back with a fishy smile on his face "Baby Y/n did I mention that , that person is gonna be you" he asked and you were beyond shocked , "w-hat do you-" he cuts you off "It can be princess Jennie , Princess Aalima or what about Princess Lisa my another bff" he told his choices , your heart started pumping faster lots of thoughts crossed your mind.

Y/n's pov.
How much disgusting can he be ? He's talking about other women in front of me ... He want to spent time the romantic time in my room but with JENNIE ? AALIMA ? LISA ? instead of me . I clutched my dress with one hand and bitted my nails .
Will they hold hands ? touch each-other ? then kiss ? Will they also feed each-other and then sleep?-........ :)
But later felt some hot breaths on my neck . And he whispered "What happened? Wife ? You thinking about what will I do with her tonight?" He asked and I unknowingly nodded and then realised "N-no... But you disgusting man , Lisa is not your wife" I fought defending yourself "Oww .. hmm that's not not a issue , I'll marry her , Anything more Your Highness?" He teased me .

Author's pov.
"Nothing KIM FREAKING TAEHYUNG, have a good night with your Butterflies" you mimicked like a joker. Taehyung later burst into laughter seeing you going away.


"Y/niee... Let's go" Jungkook called you "umm Jungkookie i-if we not g-go today then won't i-it work?" You asked fiddling your finger . Jungkook was Jungshook , soon everyone came to bid you bye.... even Taehyung who was talking to Lisa , you clutched your dress and Taehyung smirked . "We will miss you alot Y/nie comeback soon" Aalima hugged you saying that , for a time being you were irritated by her too .
"My baby I don't want you to go" Mother Queen cupped your cheeks saying that , you pouted but soon got annoyed when you heard another Voice "Yeah Y/n 👅 ! And I'll be waiting to tell you everything in detail" Taehyung whispered in your ears the last line. You got anxious and curious about it and bit your lips ,
"Come let's go Princess" Jk pulled you but someone held your dress "Y/n eomma Don't go ! I'll be alone" Soobin cried but you smiled excitedly. "Eomma see nah ! Soobin also doesn't want me to and the weather is also bad can I postpone" you asked her and she was confused , Taehyung was observing you silently "No it's ok Y/n you should I mean you have to go ! Atleast you will meet your family" Jennie said as if she wanted to throw you far . "But-" "Come Princess" Jk pulled you lightly , you kept showing your puppy eyes to them but nothing worked.

At the end you have no other option left then Going "Ahhh .... My head Eomma it's-" you groaned and fell down . Everyone started panicking "Omg ! Y/n what happened to you ! Get up" Mother Queen said worrying .
"Y/niee , she fainted" Jk said checking your breath "Tae Pick her up and take her to room , Let this trip cancel" Mother Queen said . Taehyung bent and picked you up in a bridal style , making his way to your room ... Everyone rushed in search of the medic.

Tae opened the door by his leg and then threw you harshly on the bed , "Open your eyes Drama Queen , we're in the room" Tae said sighing but you didn't even moved
Tae stared at you for a while then
"Oh Y/n I'm sorry what have I done !! Please wake up"

he pleads once , you internally smirked obviously you were acting after a few moments everything went silent until you felt a hand on your thighs , you felt Taehyung rubbing your thighs and going up , a shiver ran down your spine but didn't wanted him to show that you're faking this sickness.. coz after that he would tease you saying you're jealous 😏

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