Issue 45 - Battle Against the Sinister Six

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The doors to the school building burst open as I fell forward, scrambling to my feet with Ashido just in front. Turning on the spot, I webbed the entrance stepping back exhausted. Holding my bleeding arm, I took several steps back, seeing silhouettes outside and darting out of view. "Y/N!" Ashido yelled.

Turning to the first classroom, I webbed the entire entrance catching my web shooter. "Last one!"

Sand roared around us, blocking our escapes as I webbed my open wound, whispering calling Ashido over. "They know exactly what they're doing... We're surrounded. No backup, almost out of webbing and outnumbered two to one. I don't want to be a dobby downer, but..."

"A what?" Ashido whispers. "A dobby downer?"

"Just some slang. Don't worry about it, look! We need to take them on; I'll take Ock, Penelope and Electro."

"I've got Dabi and Kraven."

"Sounds like a tenth of a plan. Let's do this." I nodded, jumping up, ready to fight. The webbing saving us burst as the sandstorm burst through. Quickly firing a web up, I held Ashido as we zipped to the second floor before separating.

Running between the desks, I noticed the lights slowly coming to life. "Spider-Man, Spider-Man. Does whatever a spider can. Spins a web any size. Catches thieves just like flies. Look out. Here comes the Spider-Man..." I whisper. From nowhere, Electro rippled into existence, firing on me. Kicking a desk up in front of me, the wooden make exploded, knocking me back but taking the blow. Recovering, I began jumping on the desks dodging each blow, firing a web-swinging through kicking Electro as Ock came barging in.

Using this to my advantage, I got up and personal with the doc toying with him. I didn't choose to fight back, only blocking and dodging as I waited for my secret weapon. Electro pulled himself out of the bookshelves, pissed off. Without thinking, he fired directly at me. Smirking, I flipped away, allowing Ock to be blasted with electricity.

Screaming with rage, Ock ravaged forwards, thrusting his arms forward, pinning Electro. "You idiotic buffoon!"

I escaped the classroom allowing Electro and Ock to fight between themselves. Then, running to catch up with Ashido, I flinched as a giant fist made of sand smashed me through the window outside. Quickly swinging back around, I noticed the sand tornado following suit. Spinning in the air, I saw Penelope at the centre. Calling to her anger, I shouted. "Well, what are you waiting for, kid?! You're the adult now making the decisions; you don't need my permission to take a beating!"

"Shut up!" She screamed, sending bursts of sand at me. Barley avoiding her attacks jumped back into the building. Putting my fingers together, I whistled, giving the signal. The moment I did, Ashido rolled down from the third floor, skating ahead. Behind, Dabi jumped down, rubbing his hands together and readying his fire. Ashido and I kept running at each other, eyeing the small hole in the floor. 

"Now!" I shouted as we both held onto each other, jumping down as Dabi fired off a scorching flame blitz. Penelope flinched as she was blown up by the attack, the majority of her quirk turning to glass. "Now that's what I call teamwork!"

"So Penelope should be out of action for a while. Electro and Otto?"

"Getting to know each other very well. That just leaves Dabi, right? You took care of Kraven?"

"I ran circles around that old timer!" Ashido declared, stepping on a trap. Then, quickly spinning on the spot, she melted the net with her acid. I, on the other hand, was shot at with a sniper shot dropping to the ground and avoiding it. "Spoke too soon?"

Kraven stood at the entrance pulling the bolt back and cracking a smile. "You're mine Spider."

"Just this bozo and then Dabi. I've got Kraven." I command, stopping in my tracks and taking a deep breath. Closing my eyes, I let my senses guide me. "Do your worst."

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