Issue 64 - Ultra Responsibility

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, J Jonah Jamerson, still here from the centre of the outbreak here for you. To some, it feels like we've been abandoned, left to fend for ourselves while the world turns away. But we've stuck together through the impossible. We've all lost someone to these monsters, and usually, I would point the blame on Spider-Man. That, however, is wrong; for too long have I blamed every problem this city has faced solely on the hero in training. It's times like this that we forget we, too, were children and made mistakes. Of course, I wouldn't be one of them, but nonetheless, instead of ranting and raving over Spider-Man, I instead would like to take the time out of my day to mentor him, and give him the advice he always needs."

Clearing his throat, Jamerson looked to the screen, nodding. "Here it is. Turn on the TV. Go online. Pick up a newspaper. We hate them. We love them. We worship them. We condemn them. Hell, maybe we're the ones who elevate them. Maybe we force them to live like this because we need them to live like this. Maybe the only reason they exist is that we can't solve our own problems. But today isn't that day; we ask you, heroes, to save us. Save us one last time."

Jamerson's head lowered in shame, looking away from the camera. That's when the building began to tremble and shake. Running over to the window, his eyes widened, seeing the horde of heroes and Symbiote going against each other. Then, grinding his teeth, his sympathetic motion faded into pure rage. "The battle of the century is about to begin, right here near the Daily Bugle, and I don't have one %$!!?#$#!* photographer to cover it! How can this happen to a doll boy like me?!! Who keeps %$!!? Beeping me?! Jerard, your fired! What do you mean I fired him three weeks ago? Then you're fired!"


Ever since I was a child, I had always dreamed of fighting with the Avengers side by side; my dream had come true even if the outcome felt barren and empty. Was this deserved? Did I do enough to get this? What if things were different?

No, there's no time to think about that. We have a city to save.

Thrust back, I slammed into another car, grumbling as Thor took down the two symbiotes with one mighty swing. Then, catching Mjölnir, he looked at me boldly, laughing. "Come almighty Spider, let us continue the fight. You're an Asgardian now, and we Asgardians fight till our last breath."

Coughing, I wiped my face holding my hand out as Thor helped me. "Easy for you to say, aren't you a literal God? Can't I get my own hammer?"

"Do you believe yourself worthy of holding my hammer?"

I debated the idea going to take it before shaking my head. "Who am I kidding? Let's not go down that road. I need a quick breather."

"Very well, comrade, we shall continue the battle at once; I'll see you in Valhalla!"

"I hope not..." I whisper, climbing onto the top of the school bus and watching the fierce battle pursue. It would be losing if the main target wasn't taken out. Looking far out, I saw Shigaraki taking on the likes of Midoriya and Captain America.

"Y/N!" Peni shouted, swinging through the battle, her mech holding its arm out. Quickly holding mine up, I latched on using SP//dr to make the distance. "Sorry, we couldn't get here sooner."

"No, your timing is perfect as usual... Well, maybe you could have arrived before I lost my hand."

"You really should sit this one out; you've done enough. Leave the rest to us."

"You know I can't do that. This is just as much fight as everyone else." I mutter. "If we take Shigaraki down, we can end this madness once and for all. Throw me."

Peni looked conflicted but knew she couldn't talk me out of this one. Readying to throw me, my Spider-Sense went off as Mr Compass floated in the air throwing his marbles which turned into serval large billboards. Peni quickly dropped me as her mech was blown back.

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