The Start of Something Big

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The tale begins as we close in on a young boy in a wooden rocking chair sleeping with a colorful blanket around him,with him rocking back and forth to give him maximum comfort while he sleeps in his backyard,the wind blowing and the bird Pokemon singing.

His name is Cody Fairson and he lives in Postwick,located in the Galar region,which is known for its wide variety of Pokemon,People and Culture along with battles you can't find anywhere else. "Why is that?" you ask,well that's because Galar is known for having a thing called the Dynamax Phenomenon or Dynamax for short,where Pokemon are able to grow to the size of a mountain and deliver Gigantic attacks to their opponents,this alone had brought people all over the world to see matches like these.

But even though it's been used for a while there is still not much known about the Origins of where it came from.

Either way,it was a main staple for Galar's battle format,much like Mega Evolution in the Kalos region.

But anyway,back with our main boy he was sleeping like a baby until the door to the backyard opened up and revealed his mother,Martha. She had tan skin and hazel brown hair with blue eyes. She wore gray cargo pants,a brown long sleeved shirt that had her and her sons name on it. Draped over her shoulders was a brownish-green poncho.

She was a nice woman but always worried about her son,he didn't really have a lot of friends because of those bullies at his school and the rumors that spread about,she felt one day someone might try to harm him.

Although she was glad that not everyone in town disliked the young boy as he had a group to help him,which was the Champion and his little brother,his old friends from school and the region's Professor and her Granddaughter along with his father,even when he was far away from their home,she was so happy to have their support.

After she is done thinking of the people who helped her and her son,she walks up to him and attempts to wake him up.

Martha:Cody,Cody it's time to wake up.

She succeeds as he opens his eyes to reveal his blue irises,he looks at his mom and smiles then gets up and hugs her.

Martha hugs back and asks.

Martha:Hi sweetie,how did you sleep?

Cody:Pretty good,Mama.

Martha nods then goes inside while beckoning him to follow.

He does so as he grabs his blanket and follows her inside.

He is then greeted by his family's pet Pokemon,Maxie,who they found all injured and bruised when Cody was nine and since then he's stuck close to the family and enjoyed every moment with them.

Cody sits at the table and his mother brings him a nice cup of apple flavored coffee,handmade herself,to match with the fall equinox they are in right now.

Martha:So,son,how are you feeling nowadays?

Cody:I'm okay,but I feel a little empty inside,like something's missing.

Martha nods in understanding as she gets the reason for him saying that.

Martha:I know,it must be difficult being lonely and not seeing the rest of the region.

Cody nods as she pinpoints his feelings.

Cody:I don't know mama,I feel like there's more for me in the Galar region that's calling for me,y'know?

Martha nods.

After a while of talking they hear a knock on the door,Martha answers and sees it's a brown colored boy in a purple shirt and green jacket with golden eyes,this was Hop,one of Cody's friends.

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