Snowtown Abound

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Circhester was a small town that had a constant snowfall but to Cody that's what gave it its charm.

It had a hot spring bath and a restaurant with the gym at the top of a hill.

Cody:Now,this is a winter wonderland. I rank it three of my favorite places in Galar,next to Hulbury and Motostoke.

He walked around and saw the town was filled with small bug Pokemon called Snom.

As he explored he saw a small blue house in between some trees.

Curious,he walked up to the house and saw Kaza in front of it,playing with a little boy in the snow.

The boy was about five years old and he had blue hair,lime green eyes and fair skin.

He wore a blue coat,scarf,gloves,hat and boots.

Cody:Kaza,must live here.

He walks up to the house which gets the two's attention.

The little boy ran up to him.



He waves to them then asks...

Cody:Is this your house,Kaza?

Kaza:Yeah,this is where I live. Oh,and this is my cousin,Artis.


Cody:Cool.Is this who you wanted me to meet?

Kaza:Well,him and my family,come inside.

They all went inside Kaza's house and were met with sweet warmth.

Kaza:Mom,Dad! My friend is here to meet you!

???:We're coming,dear!

Cody heard footsteps as he looked to see two people come out of his friend's kitchen.

The first was a woman who had long green hair,green eyes and fair skin.She wore a green sweater and blue jeans and had a few age lines on her cheeks.

The person next to her was a skinny man with purple shaggy hair,purple eyes and was slightly built. He wore a black t-shirt and black jogging pants.

He also had a pen and notebook with him.

Kaza walks up to them and they hug her,she then turns to Cody.

Kaza:Cody,these are my parents.They're names are Lily and Colton.

Lily walks up to him with a face full of happiness.

Lily:Oh,you must be that boy my daughter's told me about.It's nice to meet ya.

Colton walks up and shakes his hand.

Cody:Hi,you must be her dad.

He writes in his notebook:I am.

Lily:In case you're wondering,my husband is mute,so he writes in his notebook to communicate.

Cody:Well,I don't judge,so don't worry.

Colton nods in thanks.

Lily:Now,enough chat,you must be hungry and cold. We just finished making dinner,come join us.

Cody takes off his jacket and follows Kaza's family to their dinner table.

They all ate a variety of foods like Pot Roast,Mashed Potatoes,Scottish Oatmeal Rolls and had a Peach Bellinis as a drink.

Cody even gave his team some since they were getting ready for their next Gym.

Lily:Thank you so much for being our daughter's friend/rival,she's always been shy around other people.

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