The Finals

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The next evening,it was time for Cody to face off in the Finals matches.

Cody had spent the day playing with his Pokemon and helping Tiana recover from her horrifying experience from before and evolving his Doublade into Aegislash.

Right now,he was in the hotel lobby getting ready to leave.

Gloria came up to him.

Gloria:This is it,mate. Did you get enough sleep?

Cody nods.

Victor:Even though you and your team are the ones battling,I still have Butterfree's in my stomach.

Cody:Same here,I hope I can win this thing and become Champion or at least fight him.

???:Challenger Cody?

Cody sees a female League Member and gets into a fighting stance.

Cody:Stay back! Or face my fearsome Fairson power!

Female member:No,wait! I'm a good one,I heard about what happened yesterday.

Female member:Ms.Oleana can be a bit extreme in her desires and the Chairman's,I'm afraid.


Female member:Don't worry about today's staff,we're here for the right reasons.I only came to escort Mr.Fairson to the stadium.

Hop turns to his best friend.

Hop:Well,that's what she says...In any case,let's get going! I can't wait another minute!

He then runs out of the building.

Gloria:Hop,will you quit running off like that!

She shouts while grabbing her brother and following him.

Cody turns to the League lady.

Cody:Lead the way,please.

Our homeboy then arrived at the stadium and got signed in.

For the Finals,he would have to battle some of the Gym Leaders to reach the Champion.

When he reached the lobby he saw all of the Gym Leaders in one place,getting ready for their battles.

He decided to talk with Shula,who was now able to fight on the field.


Shula licks his face.

Cody:Heh,that tickles. Now,are you ready to show everyone what you got?

Shula wags her fluffy tail and jumps up.

Cody:Good...And if you faint in battle just remember that I'm always gonna be proud of you.

The Arcanine rubs her head against Cody's chest.

Cody:Alright,let's head to the pitch.

He follows the Gym Leaders to the field as Leon hosts the opening ceremony,as it went on Cody was anticipating how far he would go and what would change if he were to become Champion.

Leon:So,on behalf of the chairman,allow me to say...let the Finals matches begin!


But his excitement died down when he heard a voice.


Cody turned around and was surprised to see...


Cody:*Gasp*It's Bede!

Audience:Who's that?

Bede:A moment,if I may. Does anyone even remember me?

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