Old Life,New Problems

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It had been about two weeks since Cody had become Champion and with that came lots of changes.

When the boy got home his family had thrown a big party for him and Leon gave him a Charmander and Grookey of his own along with Hop giving him a Scorbunny.

He also became a hot topic around Galar with everyone appreciating his presence or him helping them out with tasks.

Though,from time to time he would have to deal with reporters and fangirls chasing him around wherever he went.

In addition,Cody did some more studying with Sonia about his ability with Pokemon since he still felt like he never got proper answers about them but he would be patient till he did get them.

He even kept his promise of helping Meltson evolve by finding Meltan and he did just that,as he found a large group of them in South Lake Miloch in a hidden area and they joined together to become Melmetal.

Overall,despite him being the new champion,Cody was just happy to achieve his goal and lived a normal life.

Right now,our champ boy was in his backyard giving Shula a bath since she liked to be like a regular dog most of the time and get dirty.

Cody:Okay,all done.

He then dried her off and she licked his face then transformed.

Shula looked like a fair skinned woman and had gray eyes along with blonde hair in a ponytail.

She wore a black and orange striped kimono dress and had on black and orange striped leggings as well. Her footwear were orange long boots and from behind her back was her giant fluffy tail.

Shula hugged him as thanks for cleaning her up then went inside the house.

Cody then went inside after her and he heard the doorbell.

He enters the kitchen and sees his grandma come in.


She smiles.

Magnolia:Congratulations,Champion. Here,I've got a little something for you as a celebration.

She then hands him a Master Ball making him gasp.


He then runs up and hugs her.

Magnolia:You're welcome. I'm so proud of you,grandson.

Martha:Magnolia,you didn't have to come all this way!

Magnolia:Come now,he's my grandson. Besides,he deserves it for everything he's done for the region.

Magnolia:The Wishing Stars that make Dynamaxing possible are parts of Eternatus.And when it was reawakened Dynamax energy flooded the region...causing Pokemon to cause trouble all over the place.

Magnolia:But luckily,Cody and his friends came to our rescue. The Dynamax phenomenon has long been an important part of Galarian culture.

Magnolia:I hope that people will use the power of Dynamaxing correctly in the days to come.

She turns to Cody.

Magnolia:So,Cody. Do what you think is best.

She then left.

Martha turned to her son.

Martha:Poor Magnolia...Looks like she's been a bit bothered by what the chairman did...I wouldn't be surprised since she helped him out with researching Dynamax.

Cody nods.

Cody:Well,I'm gonna go for a walk,if that's okay?

Martha:Sure,baby. Just be safe out there.

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