Zip-Zap Battle

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Cody was now walking towards the station to return to Postwick,after saying goodbye to everyone in the dojo.

Along the way he was able to get all the Diglett for the man he met through a song on his flute which drew the attention of them all on the island,including a Dugtrio.

In exchange the man rewarded him with Alolan variant Pokemon along with the three starters from that region,giving the boy great joy.

Afterwards he headed straight for the station until he noticed it was getting dark.


He said as he looked up to see storm clouds start to form.

Then in an instant,a large blast of lightning struck a nearby den causing it to gain a large beam of Dynamax energy.

The boy slowly approached the den and peeked inside to see what it was.

But when he did he was sucked in by an invisible force like trash to a vacuum,making him fall into the den.

Cody landed in the den face-first but recovered quickly,he got up and brushed himself off as he began to look around.

Cody:What in the world just happened?

He looked up and saw a Pokemon that was quite cool.

It looked like a yellow cat on two legs with large claws and blue eyes.

The boy brought out his dex to see what it was.

Zeraora The Thunderclap Pokemon Ability:Volt Absorb

"Electricity sparks from the pads on its limbs. Wherever Zeraora runs, lightning flashes and thunder echoes."

Cody:Wow! You look amazing! I gotta catch you.

He brought out Kezia who seemed ready to fight.

Zeraora brought up a shield to protect itself.

Cody returned Kezia and Dynamaxed her into her new form.

The thunder cat used Max Flare but Kezia protected herself with Max Guard

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The thunder cat used Max Flare but Kezia protected herself with Max Guard.

She then attacks back with G-Max Drum Solo and breaks the shield.

Zeraora then uses Hone Claws to boost itself while Kezia attacks with Max Quake.

The grass gorilla takes an Outrage and gets ready to attack again.

Kezia calms herself and thinks about her time with Cody and how he made her feel.

She always admired him for his determination and skill along with his heart and love for Pokemon like herself.

It made her stronger thinking about him so she would give the next attack all she had.

Gaining a blue glow she let out a battle cry and slammed her drumsticks as hard as she could,bringing out multiple vines that wrapped up Zeraora.

Cody watched as she banged her drums to a rhythm she made herself,causing him to start dancing along.

The vines slapped the cat hundreds of times then was struck by a final one which weakened the Mythical Pokemon.

Kezia then shrunk as Cody took his chance to capture it.

He brought his Master Ball out and flung it towards the cat and sucked it in to swiftly capture it.

Cody pumped his fist and grabbed the ball and some extra goodies then went back to his gorilla,who was now in human form.

Cody:Good job,Kezia. That was really cool how you attacked Zeraora with all those vines,all while making a super cool drum beat,too.

She nods and hugs him in thanks.

The boy then brought out the cat.

It looked at him with a dazed look then shook it off and looked at him.

Cody waves to it as Zeraora looks at him in a happy gaze.

Cody:I guess you were amazed by that,huh?

It nods at him.

Cody:Great! Oh,and my name is Cody.

He then points at Kezia.

Cody:And she's Kezia.

She waves at him.

Zeraora walks up and shakes the two's hands.

Cody:Nice to meet you too. I was just passing by when I saw lightning crash into this den. Mostly likely caused by you.

Zeraora nods.

Cody:Figured. Anyways,since I caught you I'm gonna be your new Trainer.

The cat seems to like the idea as it then draws in the ground with its claw.

It revealed the name 'Uila'.

Cody:Uila? That's your name?

Uila nods at this.

Cody:I love it! I believe that means lightning in Alola. Very fitting.

Uila nods.

Cody:Now that we're done here,we were just about to head back to my house on the mainland. We'll spend more time when we get there.

Uila nods and waves as she's returned back to her ball.

Cody turns to Kezia and looks up at her.

Cody*Spongebob Voice*:Come along,Kezia. Our work here is done.

Cody walks to the exit when he's picked up by the grass-woman and puts him on her back.

Cody:Oh,um,okay. Thank you.

He says,slightly flustered by her action.

Kezia keeps her Trainer close then climbs up from the den and the two head home.

Once they got back his Pokemon greeted him with happiness,Zacian and Zamazenta especially,giving him hugs from all directions and welcoming his new Pokemon friends.

But out of everyone who was happy to see him it was his mom who welcomed him back most since she felt like he was gone for a long time.

In the end everyone was happy to see their family member back home safe which was reciprocated by him in return.

But there were still more adventures to be had for this young,loving and courageous kid...

As his journey continues.

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