Fighting the Dragon

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Cody stood in front of Hammerlocke Stadium,he was nervous to go inside and fight Raihan due to his complex battle style of using the weather,even if he had a secret plan for that,he wondered if he would even make it out with the last badge he needed.

This was gonna be the most difficult gym battle he's ever had.

Cody*Spongebob Voice*:There it is...the finest fighting establishment,ever established for fighting...The Hammerlocke Stadium.Home of the Dragon-Type trainer,Raihan.

Cody*Spongebob Voice*:For this entire Challenge,I've dreamt of this moment! I'm gonna go in there,march straight to Raihan,look him straight in the eye,lay it on the line!And...

Cody*Spongebob Voice*:D'oh,I can't do this!

He tries to run away but is met with Gloria and Victor standing in front of him,arms crossed.

Cody:Ah! Gloria,Victor!

Victor:Where do you think you're going?

Cody:I was just gonna...

Gloria:No,you're not.

Victor:You're going to the Stadium and getting that badge!

Cody:I can't! Don't you see! I'm not good enough!

The two look at him with flabbergasted looks on their faces.

They look at each other and nod then begin to talk to their friend.

Gloria:Are you kidding,right now? Who's first words were "I'm gonna show them all" when they entered this challenge?


Victor:And who pushed past all those rumors and naysayers from before?

Cody:I did.

Gloria & Victor:Who's...Who's...Who's the autistic boy who's gotten this far and is not willing to give up?!

Cody gets determined as he shouts...

Cody:It's me!

Victor:That's what I like to see,sport!

Gloria then pushes Cody forward.

Gloria:Now get in there and give me a battle,I'll never forget!

He salutes and zooms to the Stadium.

After getting his crew together,changing into his uniform and psyching himself up,he goes to the vault for his Gym Mission.

He sees Raihan on his phone checking something once he's there.

Raihan:Let's see,how many Gym Challengers are left? Huh..Not even ten,eh?

Raihan:All right then...Cody! Time to explain the great Raihan's Gym Mission!

He explains that Cody needs to defeat three trainers that were trained by Raihan himself,in double battles.

Cody battled Sebastian,Camilla and Aria in Double Battles but had to adapt with Weather conditions.

He was a bit disoriented but he found his flow and pushed past the three.

Raihan:Nice one,Cody! You've completed my Gym Mission.

Cody*Pumbaa Voice*:Thank you!

Raihan:Come on. Time to head to the Gym Stadium. You've earned the right to face me yourself!

They returned to the Stadium but before Cody got to the pitch he brought his team out.

Ima,Ferna,Klax,Zolta,Talis and Zego stood in front of him as he spoke to them.

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