Rocking Out in Spikemuth

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The inside of Spikemuth was basically like a broken down neon underground town as there were a lot of broken down buildings and objects around the place.

He goes to the Pokemon center and heals his team then meets with Marnie.

Marnie:With the shutter closed,nobody's gonna be able to battle the Gym...I gotta look into this.

Cody:What's up?

She turns to him.

Marnie:The shutters have been closed so I'm gonna look into it but have one of these,had too many of 'em anyway.

She then hands Cody a card of Piers who Cody thought was scary looking.

Cody changes into his uniform and makes his way down the dreary streets of Spikemuth fighting Team Yell members along the way.

He even had to deal with a Mr.Mime blocking his path with Light Screen but handled it no problem.

Cody unfortunately had to deal with Mr.Mime again and when he turned around he saw two female Yell grunts doing flips towards his direction.

They finished and spoke to him.

Female grunt:I practiced that back handspring so much,even a pop star would be jealous of those moves.

Female grunt 2:Were you surprised? Oi,be surprised,you!

The two then look at him and gain fascinated expressions.

Female grunt:Say,you're a rather cute looking kid,aye number 2?

Female grunt 2:Yeah,you seem pretty interesting.

Cody looks at them in confusion.

Cody:Uh...what is happening?

Female grunt:Hey about we strike you a deal,little mate?

Cody looked at them in suspicion.

Female grunt 2:We'll let you pass through 'ere if you join Team Yell as our second mascot,how's that?

Cody:Um...I would but y'all have been bothering me on my whole journey to get here,so sorry...maybe later though?

The two grunts look at each other,talk,then nod.

Female grunt:Alright then,but I'm afraid we're gonna have to sneakily win this battle while you're in shock!

She lets out a Pokemon called Weavile but Cody beats it with a Revenge from Petra.

Female grunt 2:What it's already over?!

Female grunt:I shoulda been practicin' my battle skills not my backflip skills...Thanks for showing me that.

Female grunt 2:Guess we'll be cheering for you from now on.

Cody:You're welcome.*Whispers*And if you ask me,those flipping skills y'all have are amazing.

The two blush and giggle at him flattering them.

Female grunt:Aren't you a ladies man...see you 'round,love.

Female grunt 2:Bye bye,sweetcake.

The two then backflip to the direction Cody was going to as Mr.Mime runs after them.

He beat two more grunts and in the process found out that Team Yell was made up of Gym Trainers from Spikemuth.

Afterwards he sees Marnie scolding with some grunts.

She told Cody that the grunts had closed the gates for her sake.

Cody talks to them.

Cody:Could you tell me what's happening?

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