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It was Sobble but it looked different...because it was a human.

Cody's Sobble looked like a seven year old girl with navy blue hair tied into straight pigtails hanging over her face,fair skin,round trim glasses,a long sleeved coat that was light blue,and navy blue garden boots along with Ocean Blue eyes,she still had her tail and her fin was on top of her hood.

Cody was relieved and ran over to her.

Cody:*Woody Voice*:Sobble,hey,Sobble. Are you ok?

Sobble nods.

Cody*Woody Voice*:What happened to you?

Sobble made a 'I don't know' gesture.

Hop:Well,you're a human now,that's what happened.

Sobble seems surprised by this and looks at her newly formed hands,she then silently screams at this revelation.

Cody tries to calm her down but is then cut off by Leon's voice.


He then runs up to them and Cody hides Sobble behind him.

Hop:What?! Lee,what're you doing here? You're terrible with directions!

Leon:I will admit. I'm not sure myself but I've been waiting ages for you two but you never showed up. So I went to find you both.

Hop:Sorry,Lee,we were just looking for a Wooloo that ran off in here and we tried to find it.

They then hear a bleat and see the Wooloo they were looking for.

Leon:Don't worry,little chap's just fine.

Leon:But when I got here I saw you all were knocked out cold. But I do understand why you did it,even though you knew this place is off limits,you both did well.

Hop then asks Cody how they made it out of that encounter alive from those mad pokemon.

Leon hears this and questions them on what happened.

Cody:Well,we came across two weird Pokemon here and they were super strong too.

Hop:Not only that,we saw two ladies as well.

Leon:Really now? Well,did you get to know who they were?

They shake their heads no.

Leon:Hmm,well if those Pokemon show up again then maybe you two will be strong enough to beat them later and maybe you'll even know those mysterious ladies' identities.

Hop sees this as an opportunity for his legend to be set in stone.

Leon notices someone's missing.

Leon:Say,Codes,where's your Sobble?

Cody was internally panicking,he didn't want to show Leon his transformed Pokemon partner but luckily,Sobble appeared on his shoulder from behind him.

Cody:Ah,there it is!

Leon tells them to follow him as they leave while Cody talks to Sobble along the way.

Cody:Well,since you're a girl,you're gonna need a name.

He thinks for a few seconds before he comes up with one.

Cody:I know! How about...Ima?

She nods in happiness at the new name for her as they exit the woods and Cody goes to talk with his mom.

Inside,Cody tells his mom he is heading off to meet the Pokemon Professor.

Martha:Oh,well thanks for telling me,Cody. Although,are you sure you'll be okay with going on a whole journey by yourself?

Pokemon Sword & Shield:The Autistic TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now