Welcome to Hammerlocke

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Cody walks into the city and sees that it looks similar to a place called Camelot from a story he read as a kid as it was big and looked like a castle from the medieval era.

He thought it was a perfect representation of Galar's past.

The special needs boy looked forward and saw Bede,Oleana and the Chairman,who was in his disguise again.

He listened in on some of the conversation they were having.

Bede:If I gather enough Wishing Stars,that'll help solve the problem that's been bothering you,right,Mr.Chairman.

Cody wondered what he meant by that problem.

Cody:What problem is he talking about?

Cody listened in some more.

Rose:Oh,it's not just about me. It's for the future of the whole Galar region.

Rose:We'll need more than Wishing Stars. We need a powerful Pokemon Trainer,too-someone like the Champion.

Bede:Sir,with all due respect,I was able to show Hop,one of the trainers endorsed by the Champion,just how outclassed he is.

Cody got a bit worried about his friend by that statement it sounds like Hop had a battle with him and lost. He'll have to check on him.

Bede:I'm sure,I'll be able to beat the Champion. No! I will defeat the Champion!

Rose:That's the spirit! It takes healthy competition to really keep the Gym Challenge energized.

Oleana:Challenger Bede,there is something I wish to discuss with you.Do you have a moment?

The two then walk inside of Hammerlocke Gym.

Cody walks up.


Rose:Ah,hello again,Cody.I see you were listening to our conversation.

Cody:I hope I didn't intrude.

Rose waves it off.

Rose:No.I hope you were though because I think you should know about the Wishing Stars.

Cody crosses his arms.

Cody:Like what?

Rose:Well,there's more to them than making Pokemon Dynamax,they hold far more energy which means they can be used in different ways such as energy.

Rose:Come with me,I'll give you a run down of it inside.

He does so and is told that the energy from Galar particles are brought inside of the crown on top of Hammerlocke Stadium then put into generators underneath the city and is finally distributed to the whole region.

After that little lesson Cody heads east and runs into Leon.

Leon:Hey Codes! It looks like you're collecting Gym Badges very quickly.

Cody nods and gives him a thumbs up.

Leon then looks concerned.

Leon:But Hop...Did something happen to him? He was acting oddly when I ran into him.

Leon:He took one look at me and immediately was like,"I'm so sorry,Lee!"

Cody guessed that's what Bede meant from that conversation from earlier.

Leon:This might be the first time I've heard him apologize for anything,and I've no idea what it was for!

Leon:Maybe he's feeling down because he's had some hard losses in a battle?

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