A Trip to the Tundra

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Two months after Cody's Isle of Armor adventure,the boy was more skilled in battles he participated in than he ever was before.

He displayed this by showing what he learned in the Battle Tower,the same tower that housed the Macro Cosmos company before Chairman Rose turned himself in,leaving Leon to be the head of the tower.

Cody blasted his way through the ranks but had a few stumbles here and there,but being the skilled boy he was,Cody pulled through.

However,all the battling and helping people around Galar was starting to take a toll on him as he was becoming more tired due to how many people wanted to beat him,he even had a bunch of battles to do for a whole week at one point.

Cody liked being the champion but it still had its cons and this was one of them.

Right now,we see Martha spending time with her husband,who had returned from another building job in Kalos.

The woman had a worried look on her face and John noticed this.

He looked at his wife.

John:Honey,are you okay?

Martha:Yes,but I'm worried about our son.

John:Hm? What's happening with him?

Martha:He's been so stressed out lately with how many people want to battle him,poor boy's exhausted every time he comes through the door.

John:I see. I guess he doesn't want anyone thinking he'd cop out on a battle since he's the champion.

Just then,the doorbell rang and the couple opened it to be met with their son who was in bad shape.

Cody's hair was now unkept and ruffled rather than soft and fluffy,as it usually is and he had a tired look in his eyes.

His shirt and pants were dirty and wrinkled as well,so overall Cody was a hot mess.

John pulled his son inside and sent him on the sofa.

Martha stood next to her son and asked...

Martha:Cody? Baby,are you okay?

Cody shook his head.

Martha:What's the matter?

Cody weakly replied...

Cody:Need...a break...So tired,mommy.

Martha rubs his cheek and covers him with his blanket.

Martha:Don't say another word. You stay here and rest,okay?

Cody nods then quickly falls asleep.

John:Ah man. He really needs time off from battling people.

Martha:I know. We gotta think of some place he may like a lot.

John thought for a moment until the mailbox clings,signaling mail.

He goes to the door and gets the mail then goes back to the kitchen and looks through it.

It was the usual company sponsor,bills and fan mail,but the last one was a green flier.

John:Hm? What's this? "Come to the Crown Tundra and explore the vast south of the Galar region."

John was interested by this then Martha read the rest.

Martha: "Diverse wildlife and history will bring in anyone who loves adventure."

Martha and John look at each other with wide eyes.

They then shift into smiles as they've found the perfect spot for their trip.

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