Making A Move

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Cody was sleeping in a room inside the base camp,resting for the moment he and the others would raid the Rainbow Rocket base.

He began to toss and turn,thinking about his mom and all the pain she was probably enduring.

In his mind,he fell to the floor defeated,looking up he saw his mom covered in shadows and staring at him in a menacing way.

Her eyes were red contrasting her normal blue ones and she had something over her upper body.

Suddenly,dozens of large arms came from her back and before the boy could run,he was grabbed by the arms and they held him down.

He looks at Martha as she raises her other free arms and lunges at the boy,but before any contact is made...

Cody snaps his eyes open and sits up,feeling his body tremble at the scary sight.

Cody:What are they gonna do to her?

He asks,wondering about the nightmare he experienced.

The boy then gets out of the bed and changes into his usual clothes and jacket.

Cody then walks outside to see everyone preparing for the fight ahead.

Kaza and Hop were having a battle together with Leon watching.

Victor was attempting to keep Gloria calm as she was angry about what happened to her friend's mother.

Raihan was talking with Nessa about the upcoming raid,saying they would blow the bad guys away with their battle skills.

Cody looks around and breathes out.

???:You good?

He looks to see Piers next to him.

Cody:Very nervous. But I'll be fine later.

Piers:We'll see...I still can't understand how you get into these sorts of situations and I'm dragged along to help.

Cody:I know,I'm sorry. It's just that I felt like I needed some help to do this. This kind of thing has never happened before.

Piers:It's fine. I would do the same if it was Marnie. And you are a good mate,you have to get your mum back. You deserve her.

Cody nods.

He then looks at the time to see it's almost time.

Cody:We better get a move on,it's almost time to start.

Piers:Of course. Though I need you to promise me somethin'.

Cody sweats a bit thinking it may be about Marnie's safety.

Piers:...Show 'em the power of a Champion.

Cody nods at it and promises to keep Marnie safe in return.

A snowflake falls in front of him as he looks up to see snow beginning to fall.

John called over everyone to relay the plan.

Later,we see the boy sneaking around towards the hole and Rocket grunts were around the hole.

Cody brings out Ima and Ferna to which he signals them to make some mist.

They jump into the air and launch attacks at each other,creating mist around the grunts.

Sounds of a brawl are heard which afterwards reveal Gloria who pummeled them all into the dirt.

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