Early-Evening Waves

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Cody wakes up from his sleep and rubs his eyes but instead of being in his tent,he finds himself in the darkness of night,underneath a full moon.

He looks around while getting up and tries to speak to himself but can't seem to find his voice.

Looking at the terrain,he sees that it's grassy but some patches of the ground are missing,like something had happened before he got there.

He walks to the middle of the field but can't find anyone or anything,making him nervous.

Suddenly,he feels the ground shake beneath him followed by a huge beam of pink energy blasting out from it.

Cody backs up from it with a look of fear,he then sees a giant hand come out from the energy then another one and he sees a thing he would only think of seeing in a movie.

It was a creature of pink and black that stood at fifty-feet tall looking like the figure from the geoglyph in Turffield.

The monster let out a roar that shook the earth,creating black clouds in the sky,making it turn dark with no light sources to be found,other than the creature's pink hue.

The giant monster notices Cody and reaches for him and he runs away quickly but it still manages to grab him then brings him close to its face.

Cody looks back in terror and closes his eyes,which were pouring out tears,thinking that he was about to meet his end as the creature's grip tightened.

Suddenly a burst of bright light came from the Northwest and they both looked to see what it was,only for something to wiz past them and cause the creature to cry in pain and let Cody go and he began to fall.

Before he hit the ground he was caught by the unknown apparition and it put him on the ground.

Cody looks to see two objects in the sky fighting the giant monster with it fighting back while the young boy watches on in some bushes.

The intense battle comes to a close as the flying objects crash into the big monster causing it to fall on its back and then it glows brightly before turning into a giant black stone.

The objects implant themselves into the ground making everything bright and beautiful,along with it being daytime now.

Cody looks around at the scenery and is astounded by it but is then snapped out of it when he's picked up by objects and is taken to a forest.

After landing,the boy looks forward,seeing a small stone shrine that was all old and broken,only having some parts of it still standing with a small lake nearby having two rocks in the middle of it.

After landing,the boy looks forward,seeing a small stone shrine that was all old and broken,only having some parts of it still standing with a small lake nearby having two rocks in the middle of it

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The two objects then land in front of the shrine and Cody sees what they are.

They were a sword and shield but they were also old like the shrine,having lots of rust on them and were laying on the ground,in front of a pedestal.

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