Slow But Steady

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Cody had exited the Max Lair from a successful raid.

In the cave he came across Yveltal,a giant bird/dragon Legendary Pokemon.

In the cave he came across Yveltal,a giant bird/dragon Legendary Pokemon

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He also got a Hoenn starter named Swampert as well. He named it Rift.

Currently,he was sitting on the ground with said legendary.

Cody:Where is she? I hope she's okay.

It wasn't really talking though,just him thinking about his mother.

Yveltal decided to sit with him and listen,seeing as he was pretty distraught about this.

He then went outside and to a view spot near the train station.

Cody looked to the night sky towards the moon.

Cody:Phoenix's been gone for a while...I hope he found something.

He pulls out his flute and plays a sad song.

Yveltal caught up to him and sat behind listening to his song.

By the end of it he began to cry. He wanted his mom back so badly,but there was still no indication of where she was.

He got up and bumped into the legendary.

Cody apologized then felt them begin to rub against his chest.

He hugged them as thanks and returned to the base camp to sleep.

The next morning,we see Phoenix flying over the Dyna Tree Hill area trying to find any suspicious activity going on.

He would report to Cody and rest when he needed to,but his priority was finding the

people's base or any signs of Martha.

The firebird scans the area from atop the massive red tree,but is left with nothing of note.

Phoenix then flew to go back to Cody when he heard talking..

Curious,he flies to its location and sees what he's been looking for,some Rainbow Rocket grunts.

They were walking in front of a cliff with a machine.

Phoenix went closer and hid in a tree,making him able to hear them.

Male Rocket grunt:So,what do we do again?

Male Rocket grunt 2:Weren't you listening? We gotta use this machine to open an Ultra Wormhole and then catch some jellyfish-looking Pokemon.

Phoenix was curious about the pokemon and the wormhole.

Female Rocket grunt:Hurry up,will ya? That kid could be around here,looking for us.

Male Rocket grunt 3:Oh please. Every faction in Rainbow Rocket has been out here,no one's seen him. He's probably wallowing in shame,right now.

Female Rocket grunt:Will you do it,already? I'm freezing here!

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