Ocean Town Paradise

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Cody exited the tunnel and uncovered his eyes to see something that had his ultimate interest.

The town was called Hulbury which was a Harbor town that seemed to sell all sorts of things to people,it even had a restaurant that sold seafood.

But for Cody he only wanted to do one thing...touch and play in the water.

He felt his sensory start to take over after he saw the liquid around the town and got excited.

Cody:Oh boy! I get to interact with the miracle liquid!

But before exploring he went to get his team healed up and buy some new materials & Pokeballs.

He went to the right and saw two ladies in front of a woman who looked important,as well as Bede and a man who looked familiar.

The important woman was tall,slim,had fair skin and blonde,long and wavy hair along with green eyes. She wore a white coat,red blouse,a black skirt,black leggings and black high heels.

Her extra details were red lipstick,a choker,hexagon shaped earrings and a wrist bracelet.

Cody also noticed her face had a rather stoic look.

The woman seemed to be trying to disperse the two other females.

Stoic Woman:Our sincerest apologies! The chairman is quite busy at the moment.

Stoic Woman:Disperse now! Please leave!

The two ladies say goodbye and walk off but Chairman Rose tries to bring them back.

Chairman Rose:Wait! No need to rush off,I can still do autographs!

But he's too late.

He then turns to the lady and talks to her.

Chairman Rose:We need support from our fans if we're going to keep doing what we're doing.

Chairman Rose:And chasing them off won't help,don't you think you're being a bit too harsh,Oleana?

The lady,now named Oleana,retorts in an intelligent and monotone voice.

Oleana:Yes,fans are important,so you must do your work for their sake.

Bede walks up and speaks.

Bede:I promise to assist you as much as I can,Chairman!

Cody looks intrigued by this,Bede must be super loyal to him.

Chairman Rose doesn't seem to recognize him.

Rose:Oh,and you are...?

Bede:It's Bede,sir.

That seems to help.

Rose:Ah,Bede,right! Well,I must say,I'm impressed by how far you've come since I first gave you that Pokemon,all those years ago.

He puts on a thoughtful look.

Rose:Though I wonder if you or those trainers endorsed by the Champion will be ones to win the Gym Challenge.

Bede:Hmph,I won't lose,Chairman. I'll prove your faith in me was well placed!

Bede then walks away after he tells them he has to go.

Afterwards Cody walks up,the Chairman taking notice.

Rose:Well,if it isn't Cody!

Cody:Hello,do I know you?

Rose:Oh,you must not recognize me in my disguise. It's me,the Chairman. I was just talking to Bede about you.


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