Answering the Call

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Cody opened his eyes to see he was now in front of the mystery ladies again.

They looked at him with worry and he tried to figure out why.

Cody then remembered what happened at the Stadium,he was going to fight Leon when they were interrupted by Rose saying he would start the Darkest Day.

Those dreams he had in the past really were warnings telling of another Darkest Day to come...

But he never would have thought that the Chairman would have been the one to start something like this in the first place.

Cody looked at them again and they showed him another piece of paper with a message.

Find us

In the Weald

But Cody felt unsure about him being able to do it so he cried.

The two ladies then hugged him and kissed his head,Cody then got sleepy and closed his eyes again.

This time he woke up for real and saw he was in his bed at his house.

He sat up and shook his head.

Cody:Oh man. That blast took me out hard.

He saw he was still in his uniform,so he quickly changed and exited his room.

When Cody entered the kitchen he saw his mom,dad,sister,friends and Pokemon standing around the table.


They all turned to him.

Cody's family:Cody!

His mom and dad hugged him tightly.

Martha:Oh,I'm so glad you're okay!

John:Are you alright,son?

Cody nods and hugs them back.

Cody:What's happening?

Martha:The chairman's causing havoc all over the region!

John:Yeah,he's causing a storm of some kind and it's making Pokemon Dynamax all over the place!

Victor:He's causing another Darkest Day.

Sonia then walks up.

Sonia:They caught me up on what's happening. I was just researching the Slumbering Weald when they told me you were passed out.


He notices someone missing.

Cody:Where's Leon?

Hop:He's at Hammerlocke Stadium,he's trying to stop the chairman.

Martha:Don't worry. The Champion will be able to handle everything,won't he?

Cody shakes his head,this was a whole lot bigger than anything he faced,he needed help.

Sonia:Well,the Darkest Day is what brought Galar close to ruin back in the ancient times.

Cody:And that's exactly why Leon may need help.

Martha:Wh-what do you mean,baby?

Cody breathes in then exhales.

Cody:...I need to find those Pokemon me and Hop met in the forest.

Sonia:I suppose if the legends are true,then the sword and shield Pokemon should be able to prevent the Darkest Day from coming to pass...

John:Yeah...they do sound pretty strong. If they stopped it once they could do it again.

But Martha wasn't so keen on this plan.

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