Wild Area Adventures

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The four kids had arrived in the Wild Area once again to head to Hammerlocke through the second part of the vast land.

Hop:Hello,Wild Area! I'm back and stronger than ever!

He said as his voice echoed like a microphone.

Gloria:*Sighs*Calm down,will you?

Cody:Look,I see the bridge to the second part of the Wild Area!

He says as he points to a wooden bridge in the distance.

Victor:You could just go straight there without stopping in a minute.

Hop:Yep! But first I'm gonna catch some strong Pokemon so I can fill in the next page to my legend.

Cody:You seem really into that,huh?

They then hear a voice come from behind which Cody remembers well and turns to see Bede again.

Bede:Well,well,isn't this special.It seems you all managed to complete your first leg of the Challenge,somehow.

Bede runs his hand through his hair.

Bede:However,I'm afraid you all won't be finishing it.

Victor looks at him angrily.

Victor:What do you mean and who even are you?

Bede looks at Victor and Gloria.

Bede:I mean that you will lose the challenge in one way or another and my name is-.


They all look at Cody who finished that answer.

Cody:It's Bede.

Bede glares at him but cools off.

Bede:The Champion must have been off his rocker endorsing you four.

He shifts his gaze to Cody and points at him.

Bede:Especially you.

Cody gives him a firm look and walks to him.

He was quiet for a few seconds.

...Then he spoke.

Cody:Listen,Bede. I don't know why you're acting like you are high and mighty but I think it's time for you to stop it.

Bede:Really now? What makes you say that?

The special needs boy pulls out the purple coated boys League Card.

Cody:I read the back of the card.

This surprises Bede and he tightens his fist.

Cody:I know what you've been through and I know you can be a good person.

He then brings his hand out for a shake.

Cody:You just have to take it and let me help you.

Bede looks at his hand for a few seconds then looks at Cody again before turning his head away and crossing his arms.

Bede:No,I don't need help from a child like yourself! I do everything alone!

Cody returns his hand and simply says.


He then turns around and walks away from the group.

Gloria gets a bit worried.

Gloria:C-Cody! Wait-!

Her brother grabs her shoulder and shakes his head.

Gloria feels conflicted but accepts her brother's wishes and watches Cody walk away.

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