An Adventure's End

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Two weeks after the Galarian Star Tournament,Cody's life had returned to normal as it could be.

Martha had finally been released from the hospital while John stayed with his family by retiring since he felt like he was missing moments with his family.

His friends were sad he had to move on,but he knew other things were out there for him and that he was a family man above all else.

Cody was feeling happier with him being here,it allowed him to learn about what his dad experienced.

Right now,Cody was in his backyard,splashing about in the small pond they had.

He takes his hands out and wipes them off on his shirt.

Cody:That felt nice. But,what else can I do today?

He sat there thinking about what he could do to pass the time.

Cody:Hmm,maybe hang out with Nessa or Sonia? Should I go to the Max Lair to get some more legends? Oh,why must this be so hard!

He lays on the ground,not knowing what he could do to pass the time until a shadow loomed over him.

Cody looks to see human Tierra over his face.

Cody:Hi,Tierra. Do you need something?

Tierra:Why you on the ground?

She asked with her slightly deep voice.

Cody:I was just messing with the water in our pond. Then I finished up and now I don't know what to do. Unless you have an idea?

Tierra looked at the sky as she thought about it.

Tierra:Make cake?

Cody:Hey! That doesn't sound so bad. Let's do it!

Tierra widely smiles and stomps the ground which sends the boy into the air.

He falls back down and lands in Tierra's strong arms and she runs into the house.

Inside,Cody grabs a big bowl and pulls it out.

Tierra then grabs everything they need all in her arms.

Cody:Okay. Let's see here.

He says while grabbing a big book and flips through a few pages until he finds a cake he finds interesting.

He says while grabbing a big book and flips through a few pages until he finds a cake he finds interesting

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Cody:I found one.

Tierra licks her lips and feels her stomach rumbling.

Cody:It's settled then. Time to make some amazing cake! This gonna be ea-.

We now see the two covered in frosting and with slightly messed up hair.

Cody:There. After a few tries we finally made the batter and frosting for the cake.

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