Trialing Trek

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Cody ran outside and saw the other students had the Slowpoke cornered but they simply ran in the other direction called the Soothing Wetlands.

The autistic boy chased after them as they began to split up.

He went east and fought the first one getting the dojo jackets.

He then went west and caught the second Slowpoke by jumping from some bushes with Ima,getting the Tees and Shorts back.

And finally he got the final one near a river getting the Gloves and Legwear.

Cody:I got em. Back to the dojo I go!

He ran back and got there in three minutes,entering the dojo.

His entrance got Mustard and Honey's attention.

Mustard:Oh,Cody! Welcome back!

Cody showed off his results as the other students came in.

Avery:You...Were you able to reclaim our uniforms all by yourself?

Cody:I did,here.

He handed them back to the two.


Avery:Hmph! You have my thanks.

Cody smiles at them.

Cody:Happy to help.

Mustard:Well mustered,Cody! You cleared the first trial like it was nothing!

Mustard:Why,this is the first time since Leon that someone has been able to handle all three Slowpoke on their own!

Mustard:The rest of you tried very hard,too! You were able to catch up with the Slowpoke,but I guess you couldn't defeat them. Tell you what. Anyone who was able to catch up to a Slowpoke at least once gets a pass!

Mustard:Cody really outdid himself,so it's only fair everyone else gets another chance. Try to make a comeback,everyone!

He walks up to Honey.

Mustard:Oh,that reminds me! Honey,where are those little ones?

Honey:Oh,that's right,darling! I had nearly forgotten... Squirtle! Bulbasaur! Come on in,sweeties!

Suddenly the two Kanto starters came in and presented themselves.

Honey:These are our sweet little Pokemon,Bulbasaur and Squirtle. We've all been taking care of them together. And I'd say they're a little more curious about your strength as a Trainer.

She tells him that they raised these two to Gigantamax when they fully evolved.

Cody looks at the two since they both seemed so cool but he chose Bulbasaur.

He picks it up and rubs his face on the plant baby and takes a look at it.

Bulbasaur The Seed Pokemon Gender:Female Ability:Chlorophyll

"While it is young, it uses the nutrients that are stored in the seed on its back in order to grow."

He sets her down and gives her a name.

Cody:I'm gonna call you,Petal.

Petal likes the name and cries in happiness.

Honey:Bulbasaur looks pleased as punch that you chose it! Remember! It'll be able to use Gigantamax once it's fully evolved.

Mustard:Dynamaxing...A mysterious phenomenon unique to the Pokemon of Galar...

Cody:Then there's Gigantamaxing where the Pokemon takes on a new form,attack and power.

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