Fairy Forest

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Cody entered Glimwood Tangle but was met with nothing but darkness,which made it hard for him to see anything.

Cody:Man,I can't see a thing.

He then brought out Ferna to help him out and she transformed into her human form.

Ferna was now an adult woman with tan skin and brown eyes,she no longer had regular hair as it was replaced with fire like her base form.

She wore white leg warmers,a white bodysuit with a fire logo on the front and a golden headband that was similar to a traditional chinese headband over her forehead,along with golden bracelets on her wrists.

She is also still barefoot.

Cody:Ferna,can you be my guide?

She nods and holds Cody's hand as they walk through the forest's darkness.

Since Ferna would stick out like a sore thumb,they had avoided any trainers in their path and made it to Ballonlea with no problems.

The town was very small but was filled with Pokemon and colorful mushrooms that brightened up the place,giving it a magical feeling to it.

Cody:Wow,look at this place!

He returned his Infernape and went to the Gym and even found the Rest move as well.

Cody entered the Gym and was met with the sight of Marnie with her Morpeko.


Cody:Hi Marnie.

Marnie:You got four Gym badges,already? I should watch out for you.

Her Morpeko gave him a smile as it seemed to like him getting far in the Challenge.

Marnie:Even Morpeko is wary of you.

Marnie:Anyway,take my League Card. I think you should have it by now since I think you're cool.

She hands him a card of herself.

Cody looks at it and he starts to snicker.

Marnie:What,what is it?

Cody:I'm sorry,it's just you look so funny to me since you don't show much expression on your face.

He said as he showed her the picture of herself.

He said as he showed her the picture of herself

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Marnie just playfully bonks his head.

Marnie:I can't help it,okay. But just know there aren't many Gym Challengers left so we're both gonna have to be working hard to reach the top.

Cody nods and Marnie leaves with Morpeko.

After getting a Love Ball from Ball Guy he goes to the locker room and changes his clothes for the Gym Mission.

While he was there,Cody took a moment to find some facts about Opal on his Rotom Phone since he knew she was going to ask him questions later on.

He also brought back Meltson and gave him some Exp.Candy and new moves.

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