Heading to the Isle & The Master Dojo

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We now see our boy hanging around in Wedgehurst with Kezia next to him.

A few months after Cody stopped Sordward and Shielbert he took time to catch Pokemon that he always wanted and battled in Tournament fights against trainers or Gym Leaders.

He even became the secondary mascot for Team Yell,right next to Marnie and along with that,helped fix the town of Spikemuth so it could regain its popularity.

The boy even spent time with the legendaries he acquired,building an everlasting bond with them.

Cody looks at the sky while walking and says...

Cody:What a beautiful day,the wind is blowing,the trees are growing,the birds are singing...Oh,I love spring time!

Kezia seemed to agree,no surprise due to her being a grass-type.

Cody:I gotta tell you,Kezia,it's a wonderful-.

But before he finishes his sentence his face gets covered by a flier.

Cody*Spongebob Voice*:Ahhh! Oh dear Neptune!

He stumbles around a bit until Kezia grabs his shirt and pulls the flier off his face.

Cody:Thanks,Kezia. But what's this?

He takes the flier and reads it.

Cody: "If you're looking to train or find new Pokemon,come to the Isle of Armor. Filled with vast landscapes and interesting Pokemon,you'll feel more powerful than before."

He pipes up at this.

Cody:This sounds cool. I could definitely work up my skills with you all,right?

Kezia nods and puts him down.

Cody looks at the corner of the page.

Cody:It says here that I have to have an Armor Pass to go there.

He then pockets the flier and says...

Cody:I'm sure they have some at the station. I can smell a new adventure in the air.

Kezia nods and seems pumped.

Cody:Let's go tell,mama!

Cody heads home and goes to the kitchen to talk to his mom.

Cody:Hi mama!

Martha was cooking lunch for them,so she turned to look at him.

Martha:Hello,sweetie. I'm almost done.

Cody nods and waits patiently with Kezia and Maxie sitting next to him.

Martha finishes cooking ten minutes later and serves them Shrimp Alfredo.

Kezia transforms to eat the food.

Kezia was a chocolate skinned woman with red eyes and long green hair with a slim piece hanging over her face.

She wore a black t-shirt with green vine shaped highlights and green/black shorts.

She was also bigger then Cody in size and had a medium muscular build along with being barefoot.

Cody:Wow,you must be really strong. But you also look so cute to me.

Kezia hugs him softly,so she doesn't crush him,as thanks.

They begin to eat while Martha prepares for work at the shop she owns and Cody makes his move.



He takes out the flier he found and gives it to her.

Cody:I was wondering if I could check it out,they've got the tickets at the station and I was thinking of going so I can be even better at battling.

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