Into the Red Tower

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The next morning,Cody woke up and got ready with Senshi to challenge the Tower of Darkness.

They trained in attack,speed and defense for what would come.

Right now,the two stood in front of the tower with all of Cody's Pokemon standing nearby,since it could only be Cody and Senshi in the tower,they all had to wait until they were finished.

Cody:Okay,Senshi. Are you ready to beat this?

He pumped his fist as a 'yes'.

Cody:Alright. Here,take this.

He hands him an Eviolite.

Cody:It'll boost your defense and special defense since you can evolve.

Senshi nods and takes it.

The boy turns to his Pokemon.

Cody:Wish us luck.

He then went inside the tower where he was met with a dojo student.

Student:Walking a path of light will not broaden your perspective...You must learn to use both light and dark. Let me show you how!

He then sends out Zorua.

Senshi runs up and uses Bulk Up.

It then goes for Brick Break,dodging Sucker Punch and taking it out.

Student:Light and Dark aside,you have certainly broadened my perspective!

The duo go to the second floor and face another student.

Student:Those strong in darkness are also strong in the light...I have traveled the path of darkness and perfected my strength in the light! Behold!

She brought out a Scraggy but was defeated by Brick Break.

Student:Yes,even my strength perfected in light can be overshadowed at times!

Cody:I feel like that too,sometimes.

He then goes to the third floor.

Student:We are all lost travelers,feeling our way through the darkness around us...The results of battles are hidden in darkness until the battles are completed. That is the beauty of battling!

He sends out Inkay and Senshi uses Bulk Up.

Inkay uses Slash but is blocked then Judo thrown to the ground and hit with Brick Break.

Student:Now the darkness surrounds me...I am about to blackout!

Cody fist bumps Senshi and they go to the fourth floor.

Student:Wind that carries a ship out to sea is wind that stalls a ship returning to port...What light shines on one path can also be what keeps another in darkness. Let us see if you can find your own path forward!

She sends in Krokorok and Senshi goes for Iron Head.

His opponent uses Protect so he backs off and uses Bulk Up.

The crocodile uses Sand Tomb but it misses and Senshi hits with Brick Break.

Student:It seems you have found your path and sailed right on course!


Student:You can now proceed to the top floor. He is waiting for you there.

Cody looks confused but carries on upward to the final floor.

He gets to the top and sees Mustard standing there in front of a large scroll.

Mustard:There you are...I figured you'd choose the Tower of Darkness,so I decided to wait for you here.

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