The Semi-Finals

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Cody had made his way to the Train Station and had ordered his ticket for his ride to Route 10.

Hop had called him and told him he made it to Wyndon along with Kaza while he was in the Wild Area,yesterday. So Cody was going to meet them there while they went ahead.

After he did that he wanted to talk to his mom so he made the video call.

Martha:*Gasp* Cody! Oh,my baby! How are you doing?

Cody:Fantastic,mama! Sorry I didn't call you much while on my journey.

Martha:Oh don't worry about it,I know you are pretty focused on something,just be more mindful next time.

Cody:Ok. How are things back home?

Martha:Cody,it's great! You won't believe this but Wedgehurst is taking a liking to you.

This shocks the normally hated boy.


Cody's mother nods.

Martha:Yeah! It's like they finally recognize your amazingness!

Cody:Wow! This is...huge,mama!

Martha:I know! I'm so proud that you've gotten this far,Cody.

Cody:Thanks mama...Though I wish my dad could see this.

Martha then gives off a big smile to her son.

Martha:Well,while you were gone,I got some news from him.

He perks up at this and gives her a 'What is it?' look.

Martha:So since you're going into the finals soon...your father requested that he be able to take time off.

Cody:W-what did they say?

Martha:...They said 'Yes'! Cody,your dad's coming to see you battle in the finals.

Cody smiles and cries tears of joy,it had been so long since he's seen his dad face to face and hearing those news gave him a big boost of support and love from him.

Martha:It's okay,baby. Don't cry,be happy.

Cody:I know,m-mama. It's just been so long.

Martha:I know,but don't worry,you'll be seeing him soon. He told me he'll be here by tomorrow morning.

Cody nods then has a conversation with his mother about his whole journey from the Pokemon he met to the battles he fought and the things he experienced.

Two hours later,he arrived at his destination and told his mom he had to go.

Martha:Okay,sweetie.Good luck in the Tournament and no matter what happens...I will always be proud of you.

Cody:Okay,mama. I love you.

Martha:You too,baby. Good luck.

She waves 'bye' and hangs up then Cody puts on his jacket and enters the ever-snowy Route 10.

He steps into the cold area and looks around.

Cody:Feels like I'm in the middle of nowhere.

Before he takes a step forward Klax comes out from his ball,surprising his trainer.

Cody:Hey Klax...What are you doing here?

Klax then looks like he's upset about something.

Cody:What is it? Is it that loss we had in the fight against Raihan you're thinking about?

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