Master Dojo Duel

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All was quiet as Cody walked through the giant valley once again he felt jittery just doing so since he was fighting Mustard once again but this time at his full power.

The boy was questioning if he could beat him this time,even if he was the champion,Mustard was basically a legend due to his power and skills.

Cody:*Sighs* I don't know,man. I'm good but not as good as him,so what am I gonna do?

Just then Senshi came from his ball and stood in front of Cody with his arms crossed.

Cody:Oh,Senshi. What are you doing?

The bear gazed at him in a way that said 'Are you listening to yourself?' which the boy picked up on.

Cody:But it's true! I don't know about this! He's been battling longer than I have. I have skill but a Master's on a higher level.

Senshi nods but then puts his fist over Cody's heart.

Cody:My heart? You're saying I have heart?

He nods.

Cody:You're right. But it's just so sweat-inducing.

The legendary ruffles his hair then hugs him.

Cody:Okay. Thank you. Besides,I know I can put my faith in you all whenever I battle.

The boy inhales then exhales,he punches the air and begins to calm down.

Cody:Alright. I'm ready.

He returns Senshi and walks up to Mustard.

Mustard:Whoo-hoo! Are you ready for another battle against little old me?

Cody calms his nerves and nods.

Mustard:Heh heh heh! That's what I want to hear! Then let's mosey on over to the battleground!

They walk over to their sides of the field.

Mustard began to speak.

Mustard:You know,I've been thinking more and more these days...about how fortunate we were to have you join the dojo...even if it was a mistake at first!

Mustard:I can't thank you enough,Cody! It's been a while since I've been so excited! I can feel my blood burning and my heart just dancing with anticipation!

Cody nods eagerly.

Mustard:I just can't resist a battle against a worthy opponent-no matter how old I get!

Cody:I'm glad that I gave you that,Master.

Mustard:Now then...Let's get things going! This is the most fun time in the world!

Cody:Yeah,you're right! Let's have some fun!

Mustard once again reveals his true form as Cody pulls out Phoenix's ball.

Cody hops on his feet then sends out his firebird.

Mustard's first Pokemon is his Mienshao.

Mustard:It's been a while since I faced such a strong opponent...My blood's boiling over! Time to see exactly what all this training has made of you!

Cody:Right! Phoenix,Swords Dance!

The bird goes to use the move but is hit by Mienshao's Fake Out.

Talonflame goes for the boost and gets this time.

Meinshao then attacks with a Blaze Kick but it does little damage.

Afterwards,Phoenix uses Acrobatics and takes down his fast opponent.

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