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Aurora Pov

I rub my eyes and obviously check the time wondering who'd want to talk to me at 4 am. "Hey" He says getting closer to my bed and immediately I took my gun out of my pillowcase and I pointed it at him. "It's me Giovanni" he says quickly saving his life cause I honestly don't miss and I wouldn't have asked any questions I would've shot. I'm the type of person that shoots then asks I'm very impulsive I've heard. That's why I'm dangerous cause you never know with me.

"What do you want.. I mean I am home aren't I, why do I feel like you want to make me uncomfortable at my own home." I say curious of why he was here. "I came to apologize I've been an idiot actually I've been stupidly jealous of you alright." I'm not sure how I feel right like the emotion hasn't made it's decision. "What's this?" he looks at me like I've grown two heads " No I understand it's an apology but like why " I ask confused in why he cared in how I felt." Look I don't show my soft side as much but I treated you unwell and I'd like to apologize because I'd like to start over and by that imma tell you everything. " I look at him unsure of what to say " my sister has been knocking some sense in my brain and I also don't want to disappoint her anymore I've done enough of that. You matter to my mother and sister and I'd like to understand why you matter to Sébastien as well. So for everything I'd like to apologize and I'd like to start over with you and by that I'd like to tell you everything. " he says looking into my eyes which felt special. " Your eyes they remind me of the ocean"i say quietly hoping he didn't hear me. "Sit on my bed and yes we can restart for the peace." is all I say and he takes his spot on my bed.

"Look I don't think you understand how big this threat is so next time please tell anyone or me you're going out so we have enough security for you." He says with hope in his eyes and I just nod my head with a slight mmh "Words amore I like to hear words" he says which makes my heart drop "Alright Giovanni you can relax I'll talk next time but don't piss me off to an extent where I don't want to see your slimba-" I stop for a moment to fix my words "your face" I say trying to be civil since he apologized. "It's quite alright I've grown to like the nickname.. 'slimball' so we can keep it" he says making me laugh.

"Alright before we become best friends I don't want to be murdered in my sleep by Anna, the topic at hand." he says switching moods and that shook me but I obviously didn't show him that I found it weird "And men say women have mood huh" I say cracking the tension that this threat always brings in a room. "Sorry I tend to become serious with such matters." all I do is nod and he accepts the simple nod to proceed with the information he has for me.

"Here's a file on everything and also no one knows besides my father, your father and our mothers now it's you and me obviously" all I do is send him a small smile accepting the file from him was a big step for both of us. "Not us acting like a married couple already" I say trying to joke "Sounds like someone hasn't canceled the wedding" he says joking back making me laugh. "Huh you can be funny huh" I say complimenting him which shocked me how I got so comfortable with him. "I guess you're the only one that finds me funny" he says laughing along with me. There it was.. His dimple. "Have you always had that dimple?" I ask now curious "He nods his head" Words amore I like to hear words "I say with sarcastic voice. All the slimball does is laugh and that makes me smile.

" to answer your question, yes I've always had it but many never see it cause many don't make me laugh. "he says now looking at me with those stormy baby blue eyes that glitter like the ocean." You have unique eyes "he says to me " your eyes remind me of someone " is all I say to him which seems to break our eye contact.

" Is he special to you" he asked me sounding hurt "He is or was I don't even know who he is so it wouldn't matter" I say looking outside my window that's in the opposite direction of my bed. "If it makes you feel better I also miss someone special to me a person I'd probably be married to if not you" he says understanding my pain of marrying the one you don't love. "Why don't you marry her?" I ask starting to feel somehow connected to this man. "She also disappeared. I tried looking for her but she's not interested and wants her existence to be unknown." he says sounding heartbroken.

"If it's meant to be it'll be" I say now holding his hand and rubbing it. "It's 7 am we talked for 3 hours you must be tired." he says looking into my eyes and I just yawn and smile. "I can't sleep alone so can you sleep with me. I mean you disturbed my sleep so it's the least you could do." I say hoping to have him agree. The weird part was I didn't understand its like my body and baby were convincing me I needed him to stay with me. "Can't or won't" he says with a smirk. "I won't now are you coming in or leaving" I ask in a stern voice and he said something that made me emotional "Bossy" that's all he said and I melted.

It reminded me of Luca and for a second I wished Giovanni was my Luca but he just wasn't.

Don't get me wrong.

Giovanni is a hot man but Luca possessed more than looks he's gentle nature and his aggressive nature made me his that day when he told me I was his future wife Yes I understand Italian I'm not fluent but I understand and can speak it. I'd hoped I'd be his wife but reality said no.

"Hey hey I was playing I'll sleep with you." he says with a gentle smile. He got into bed with me and we fell asleep in a matter of minutes. In each other's arms. Crazy things happen in the night with a Man and a Woman but we just talked for 3 hours straight we talked and while everyone was awake we were asleep in my bed in each other's arms. He held me like I was the only person who mattered.

How was I going to tell him that I'm pregnant with another man's baby.

Anna Pov

I woke up at 8am in the morning and I turned to see Sébastien next to me. I couldn't wait till I could tell Rora that we were dating. I knew she'd be happy for me but with everything going on the timing wasn't great. I got out of bed to do my morning skin care and after I saw that idiot staring at me. "Can I help you?" I ask oblivious to his weird stare. "Where's Giovanni?" he asks looking crazy.

"I don't believe I keep my brother in my pocket."i say in my duh tone." I went to check him in his room and he wasn't there babe. "he says in his duh tone and there it all came back I just realised I let my brother inside Aurora's room and left him there. "Shit" is all I say and Sébastien gets up with me. We walk across the passage and as we enter we saw something that tramatized us but in a good way.


We stopping here for now let's go...
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