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I wanted to say thank you for all the love I've received so far in this book. You guys literally give me strength and motivation to keep writing. School has been hard but the thought of writing has my heart beat dance. Thank you.

"She's your Mika"

I couldn't get it out of my head it felt like I got hit by a whole train. If it's not that it's also the fact she's been pregnant with my seed. Was I excited about it? Was I confused? Was I happy? I wasn't sure how to feel. I knew one thing and that's I'd love that baby with all my heart.

Fuck fatherhood I didn't think it would come this soon. My father wasn't the best in showing any emotions especially to me so I knew that when I had a child I'd love it with all my heart.

Knowing that they found her made me feel better although I couldn't protect her and  now that stung.

It was quiet.

Just a beeping sound I just couldn't unhear the doctor telling us she was gone. It seemed so unreal there was no way she was gone. I know I was horrible I know I didn't love her but it just happened so fast.

She's been in and out of operations but yesterday's operation was the one that gave everyone a 13th reason.
She had lost a lot of blood because they shot at her twice..


Last night's flash back.

"She isn't responding."Anderson comes out screaming, for someone who's calm I've never seen him act out or react to shit but seeing him lose his mind made me worry. How bad was she?

" What do you mean?"Ariana says holding onto my mother's hand." I'm sorry I just lost it for a moment."He says trying to calm down.

"Andy what happen in there." Anna says sniffing "Her heart stopped 3 times and her heart beat stopped for a full minute the next two times which would make it 5 times." he says shakingly.

"i couldn't handle seeing her lose anymore colour. It hurts Anna" he says now breaking apart all you could hear was Ariana sob and my mother was just rocking her in her arms.

"Gia, my baby" and that's all she could say before the doctor came out.

"I'm sorry." he starts he's sentence making Anna lose her balance making Sébastien catch her in his arms.

"We tried everything, we did everything and there's nothing more to do than to hope for the best." he said reading from his notes.

"Try again" I say in my low dangerous voice, every one that heard that voice knew not to fuck with me. They knew I could slit their throats and I wouldn't feel any remorse. I was a murderer, a killer some called me a physco and some said I was a dangerous ticking time bomb."

" Yes sir"
Those bastards would have to pray I don't find them but even prayer couldn't save them. I would be out there looking but I didn't want to leave her. She's been through so much in the past 48 hours, from losing her father to getting shot herself.

I sigh sitting on the floor feeling guilt.

I let them.. I mean everyone keeps telling me it's not my fault but I know it is. She was supposed to be safe, she lost her father and she lost her freedom all from my stupid contract.

Anna has been a mess and it's messing with me that I got her like that. Ariana isn't eating she doesn't even speak, she's just mute. Ariana just holds Aurora's hand hoping she doesn't also leave her. They kept looking at me like I'm a lost puppy. I wasn't a man of much words but ever since meeting Aurora I've said more than I have in years. She's still beautiful she just doesn't have colour especially in her cheeks, she's just pale. The doctors don't have hope that she'll make it.

"Giovanni" Anna softly calls out to me, looking up I realize the doctor was waiting for me to listen.

"How's my daughter?" Ariana says coldly.

"She's stable but in a coma since her body went through too much trauma, she needs the rest." he says looking down on his report. "She was in the operation room more than seven times and in those moments she wasn't responding. We also realized she wasn't fighting alone." he says pausing before continuing "She and her babies are fighting" and there it was 'Babies'

"Wait it's not one" Ariana asks looking up from Aurora's hand.

"No, she's having Twins" the doctor confirms. "The second baby wasn't showing signs of life until the fourth operation" he replies.

"What's her progress" I ask with a cold tone not making eye contact with the doctor but my wife.

"She's managed to respond well to the medication and that's a good thing cause she has a fighting chance. Although she's close to being written off as brain dead."he replies gently but you could sense the fear in his voice.

"she dies, you die." I say in a murderous voice.

I stand up from the conner I found comfort in and walked up to Ariana "I'm going to find them." she just nods not saying anything. Looking at the beauty that laid on the bed I walked to the other side of the bed and I kissed her cold forehead and held her cold hand looking at the ring I got her for the vow ceremony.

"I'll bring you justice, I won't rest." I pause looking at her and I went to her ear "Don't leave me. I still need to spend some time with you and get to know you, just don't leave me pleas-se." I whispered into her cold ear.

Walking out I signal all my men to follow me. "Gio" I stop walking at her soft voice turning I see my little sister "yes Anna" I say softly. "Be careful" she says wrapping her arms around me making me ache seeing her so broken. "I will" I say reassuring her.

"I'll call you if anything comes up" she says letting me go "Fine" I say coldly making her glare "It's not your fault Gio, how were you supposed to know she'd get shot." she says crossing her arms across her chest.

"She asked me if I had enough security, she asked me.." I replied harshly, I wasn't just angry I was disappointed with myself. I didn't want to get married or to be tied down but I promised to never harm her and I let them harm her. It was my fault she was fighting for her life. My children wouldn't be in there fighting with their mother if I just double or hell if I triple checked.

"It's my fault Anna and for that I won't rest." I say walking away.

My mother wasn't at the hospital anymore as it was too much for her fragile heart after finding out that Aurora was the girl I'd been searching for and wasn't just her daughter in law but that she was carrying her grandchildren.

It hurt.

My mother is alot of things but that pain was eating her alive and that broke me. I swore to never fall in love and I wasn't ever going to.

I was just being a husband right now and my duty was to protect and serve.

Walking out with my men I station most my men at the hospital where most my family and Aurora's was. Some of my men went with my parents although my father had his own men.

I trusted mine.

I've been low on trust lately as this assassination felt like it was a inside one. It felt personal, like they'd been watching us from afar and that pissed me off. I would search every city in every country in every continent.

Until all of them were found I wouldn't rest.You mess with the family you'll see hell.

They messed with my Famiglia.

We stopping here for now let's go...
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°1000+ words.
°I'll post two chapters today.

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