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Aurora Pov

Walking back into the house Anna and I head straight to the meeting room to find everyone waiting for us. "Let's begin" is all i say walking in.

All my men were in there including Giovanni's. In my mafia I had women working with me especially my snipers and assassins they all had to be women except Andrew. Women have always been seductresses and we weren't even considered women weren't taken seriously, I'm tired of that little bubble men live in.

I want to expand and to explore new opportunities that are better for my mafia. Right now my second in command is my freaken cousin and my trusted mafia doctor is my other cousin talk about trust issues I have with men outside my family.

"Dark Knight" that's how I'm adresssed in meetings or missions it's my identity. I look up paying attention "we can't go through this route without becoming targets of the blood wolves" Gia says sounding irritated. Gia is one of my first women recruites that earned a special spot in my inner circle.

She's ruthless when it comes to torture and pretty creative.

"What's stopping us really" I ask her "The problem is the blood wolves are protected under the Russians so if we start shit with them we start shit with the Russians." she says angrily I do understand her anger towards the fucken Russian mafia. They took her family and left her stranded, she looked dead but I found her in time and the rest is history.

"Fine then we find a way to get permission to pass through without causing a fuss."i say with a smirk and I get a disapproval look from Anna.

"What do you mean get permission."
Giovanni asks me "I'd have to go undercover of course and get Lukas to sign it off or I'd just have to have a meeting with Damien and talk to him about getting the route under my control which would take some convincing but I'm sure I can do it." I say with a groan.

"Absolutely not, never no ways" Anna says glaring at me. "Baby chill she's Aurora she can take care of herself." Sébastien says making me smirk.

"I can, I will find a way to convince him. We need that route and I'm willing to fight for it but I know all of you prefer no wars so." I say waiting for someone's disagreement.

"I'll go with you then" Anna says which makes everyone look at her. "No you will not, you're pregnant remember" Sébastien reminds her of her fake pregnancy. "I'll be fine" she tries arguing her case "No dear it's safer Aurora goes alone. We can't have you in danger or your baby because of a route." My mother says and there it was the icy cold glare she gave me.

Making me aware I'm the pregnant one and I shouldn't be going to this meeting but I had to. Knowing Damien he'd want to talk to me. He's a selfish one "I'm not going to missions I'm just accompanying her so she's safe." she tries defending her case once again.

"No Sorella stare messo solo questa volta non seguirla lo farò (Sister stay put just this once don't follow her I will)" he says looking protective of her making me smirk more than I already was.

"imma be fine Anna if it makes you feel better I'll go with someone." I say trying to comfort her with my words in a meeting filled with soldiers and our inner circles. "Fine go with Giovanni." she says with a teasing tone that makes me avoid eye contact. "Fine" is all i say trying not to look disappointed that she doesn't believe I can get in and out of there without a scratch. "Pregnant Woman" Sébastien mumbles under his breathe and I just scoff at him. "Watch it" I say with a irritated tone. "Sorry jeez it's a joke I love pregnant Anna" and there it was I realized I nearly spilled the beans. With my parents in the room my father called for everyones attention to proceeding with the meeting. Anna looked at me with a look that made me feel like I shouldn't go ahead with this meet up but I had to do it.

After agreeing with that plan we were going with, We made necessary changes to the plan and talked about more things that would benefit this alliance. We talked about the drugs and the other cargo we were expecting later on.

The Italian's had they're chance to talk about their problems in the meeting and I got to help them with some of their plans and suddenly as we were in deep discussion about the other threat we had to deal with I got hungry and couldn't voice it so I took my phone and pretended to get a emergency phone call and excused myself out the meeting alittle early.

"continue the meeting I'll be filled in later somethings wrong at the warehouses and I'm needed."i say sounding content." I'll go with you "Andrew says standing up and I just nod not wanting to raise suspension, we walk out and he pulls me to a corner in another room." There's no emergency is there and don't even lie because I would've received a message before they called you"he says sounding unbothered and I just nod." I'm hungry and it would've been weird if I was hungry and not pregnant Anna."I say sarcastically not sure why I was being sarcastic.

"Are you okay" Drew asks me knowing I hate lies and I was lying to everyone I loved. "I'm not but I have no choice." I say with a shaky voice.

"Can we get me some chocolate pancakes I'm craving them with some chicken sausages" I say pouting. "Alright and I'd better be the God father cause I deserve it."Andrew says with his stern voice but you could hear the joke in it. Which made me smile cause he'd make an amazing Godfather. I knew if anything happen to me that this baby was lucky to have a aunt and uncle like Anna and Andrew.

Getting lost in my thoughts I think about the time when, Andrew was the first to know that I was pregnant even before I had known be knew. He called it God father senses and I still laugh at that. Anyways I remember three weeks ago he brought me the test actually he got several tests and told me we cannot trust just one. I did the things that were needed like pee on the stuck and wait five mins and we waited for all seven tests and three came in negative and four came in positive and since we had three more we tried those last three and they turned out to be positive.

He didn't get the one that tells you how long or how far along I was he only got the ones that said 'Not Pregnant' or 'Pregnant'.

Which was alright since I wasn't expecting to take a pregnancy test so, apparently I'll need to get my parental pills or something but I need to get a doctor to check us out.You know the whole pregnancy thing or check ups. I have an appointment after my wedding so I'll be looking forward to the whole wedding week. I didn't even recognize the kitchen until Andrew came back to me with my baby's food.

"You and day dreaming" he said and I just smile. "it's entertaining" I say while glaring at my food.

"Anna's right Rora it's not safe. For example he's a physcopath that's obsessed with you and you're pregnant." he said looking at me with concern and sisterly love. "One thing I can say is Pray then cause I'm still going through with it." I say ending the conversation. Knowing pretty well it was far from done.

"Just feed my God children" drew says smirking and there it was the moment I nearly died from eating a fucken pancake. "I am only pregnant with a child fool." the thought of more freaked me out. "By the way you eat sure it's only one" he says looking at my belly that seems to have a bump not a huge one but it's noticeable if you look properly. "You already have a bump mhh and you say it's one." he says teasing me. "Fuck you" I say with a frustrated tone "Done that" he said walking towards the sink. "A mistake idiot." I say shouting back. "Sure" he winks at me. "I'll tell your mom you idiot." I smirk back knowing how much power I held.

We stopping here for now let's go...
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