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Aurora Pov

I could hear a beeping sound and I could feel movement on my belly it felt like someone was rubbing it. The hand felt hard and manly but I couldn't make it out.

It was so dark so lonely it was too loud but also quiet.

I felt like I had been sleeping awhile and I hated sleeping in except for pregnancy naps fuck those hit different.

I could feel my mother's warmth but it felt like it was replaced by pain and fear. I wandered where my father was I remember him getting shot but he couldn't have died right? Nonsense.

Moving my fingers gave me hope I'd break free out of this odd looking shadow cage I felt locked in. I couldn't open my eyes but I could hear the doctors talking with people about the same shit over and over again.

Even my attitude stayed the same maybe it increased by 5% but hey that's why they miss me right. I could feel I wasn't home, it felt like a place where there's alot of medical records or supplies. It felt cold  The hospital.

These bitches kept me in a hospital for a full night. I knew as soon as I was able to open my eyes I'd fuck them all up. The only odd thing is I keep hearing my mom sob and ask me when I'm waking up. I only slept for a few hours.

Giovanni has been talking to me and I won't lie it's nice hearing the bastard want me to wake up. I felt like we could make this marriage work if we wanted it to.

I owed it to my father that I tried.
Anna Pov

"She's still not awake..." I say angrily to the doctor that said she was getting healthier. "It'll take some time for her to actually wake up, her movements mean she's healing and a bit faster than we all knew."he pauses for a moment looking down at his notes" look Miss Rossi, Mrs Rossi is under control at this point although she's exhausted meaning her body went through so much before the wedding and also during the wedding. She needs to rest or it'll harm her especially since she's pregnant her body is taking care of the two little babies that grow inside every single day. "he says looking up.

Everyone stopped asking when she'd wake up cause she has been sleeping for an extra two weeks. I missed her I wanted her to miss me. I don't know but she looked so peaceful and less scary.


Everyone's been working on her behalf trying to make it unknown that she's still hospitalized and the security she has is insane. She was to become Donna the moment she woke up.

Yes we'd have a ceremony but that's when the old Don passes his crown to his heir and in this case the Don was killed so it automatically makes her Donna without any ceremony.

I knew that we all dreaded that moment where she'd wake up cause her brain hadn't clicked since everything happen so fast. She'd want her father and he wasn't here to comfort her.

She's the Dark Knight for a fucken reason and her victims all knew they were screwed if she ever went after them. This whole attack was suspicious and very odd that it all happen so quickly and perfectly, this assassination was planned and we had more than one mole.

Lately Gio, has been very confusing one minute he wants alone time with his family than he swears Aurora. It's either he's too sober or just too drunk and fuck it at this point. He's my brother but he's an idiot, the other day I caught him fucking a whore and I've never seen a colour as dark as this red one.

I killed each whore that I found and made a list of the rest cause I knew she'd be hungry for some blood and whynot the whores that slept with her husband whilst she was in a fucking coma.

My brother was pushing her away for no reason really. It confused me cause he cared for her, you could tell how she's the only person he looks at when he's in a room with her and since her incident he's been different.

My God babies were growing and they were getting healthier everyday. Shit I kept bringing pancakes hoping she'd wake up craving them. That's all she ate when had cravings and that was all the time. I smile while remembering how she'd get bribed with pancakes easily. That stupid smirk she'd get when she'd eat her chicken sausages and her chocolates.

Praying like I pray everyday for her safety.

Dear God

Please I don't know how to do this but I know one thing and that's I plead with you to bring her back. I'd promise to stop killing but I know that's a lie so I'll be honest we need to fuc- freaken burn those idiots that nearly took her away from us. Please bring her back to us. I don't think Ariana can handle this situation anymore. She barely eats and doesn't sleep for more than 30 minutes she's getting sick slowly but she doesn't care.

Please watch over us.


That's how I prayed everyday I held her hand hoping whatever God we prayed to heard me because she had to come back and sooner rather than later.

There it was, movement she moved her hand and her eyes started moving they weren't open but they were active and I felt weak to my stomach.

"Call Ariana" I called out to one of my guards and they went to get her inside the room. She started groaning, moving her mouth she let out a quiet gasp "Get the doctor" I shouted getting everyone's attention.

"She's stable but that was just nerves. She's responding to the medication but not responsive to reality quite yet." he says examining her still body she'd stopped moving. I thought i was crazy looking at Ariana I closed my eyes shedding a tear "I'm sorry Mama Ari, I thought I saw her. I felt her presence at least I thought I did." I say my voice breaking at how drained I must've felt. "It's okay my dear, she's coming I know she is." she says pausing to continue "Everyone underestimates the time we all have" she says holding my hand and rubbing it. That was the most Ariana said in 4 months giving me the comfort I didn't know I needed.

We just sit there in silence looking at the scariest women lay peacefully in her hospital bed looking beautiful. I understood why men fought for her attention fuck that's my girl and dick grabber. I smile missing our awkward conversations. They'd all burn.

"Fucken hell what happened to me."

We stopping here for now let's go...
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