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Three days had gone by, and Theodore still was having problems finding out when the witching hours were. One would think with the many books they had in their library it wouldn't be as hard to find. But there was nothing there. It was starting to frustrate Theodore as he made his way back into his chambers for the night. Lucky one of the servants had him a bath waiting and from the looks of it. It was still hot.

Afterward, he made his way to the bed. Tossing and turning for most of the night until sleep finally found him. Like the first night, the mystery woman was in his dreams. Once again dancing bare in the fields. It was a dream, but it felt much like it was real, as her hand ran across his bare chest.

"Prince Theodore you disappoint me. I told you to come to me during the witching hours."

"My Lady I do not know when that is." He spoke as she smiled brightly.

"Think about it, my dear Prince. When are we the most active? When do I come to you? Come now and you can have what you seek." She said placing his hand upon her breast. Quickly Theodore awaken going straight for his clothing and then to his door only to be stopped by Sir George. One of his father's men who was made into a Knight. Or he could have been one before because Theodore knew it wasn't just because he found him.

Funny that he had the title but was forced to look over the Prince because he had a habit of running off in the middle of the night. Still, this was pointless, and Theo knew if he was here it was another on the ground right below his window.

"Thinking of going somewhere, Prince Theo?"

"I wanted a glass of water George." He said as the man stood there looking at him in his clothing with a brow raise.

"In your day clothing young master. Shouldn't you still be in your gown?"

"How do you know I did not fall asleep in this Sir George? I had a long day in the study chambers and could have come to bed just as this." Theodore said still the man didn't move as he stood guard as his dog would.

"I can call for one of the servants to get you thy water...."

"That is quite alright. I am no longer thirst now that I think about it." Theodore said shutting the door in the man's face. Slowly he dragged himself over to his bed falling face first. "I just have to wait another night then."

Mabel was a little disappointed that Theodore didn't show once again

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Mabel was a little disappointed that Theodore didn't show once again. It was the third night in a row, and she was sure that dream she forced him to have would have had him running. Maybe she was missing something. Mabel felt that they had a powerful connection. No, he wasn't magical as she was, but he enhanced her powers. She never got flowers to grow in the matter that she did three suns ago and when he was near her something in Mabel changed and she could still feel it.

"Mabel were you out all night again? This is the third night in a row you have left the house without telling me, child!"

"It is not like you are living here. You only show when something is needed of I. What are you in need of today dear sister?" Mabel asked as the woman glared at her.

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