𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑣𝑒 | 12

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King Roland walked his throne chambers floor thinking of a way to betroth his son and Mabel before the next full moon. He knew that Queen could not know about the union. Plus, he thought that he had more time than this. Josephine told him by the prince nineteen summer, and they were months away from then. Something had to when wrong for the two to find each other so soon.

"His Majesty did you call for me?"

"Sir Raymond I forgot all about thee. No, I think Queen Mother called upon thee. Go to her she has something I think you would love." He smiled as Raymond looked at him weirdly before nodding and leaving.

"For my adviser, you are always late!"

"S-sorry, sir. You told me to discreet and the Queen just came back into the castle. Tell me again how are we going to betroth the Prince and Lady Mabel without her knowing?" He said as Roland sighed in thought.

"I do not know that yet, but I know it has to be done soon... I loathe that woman! She has brought me nothing but pain!"

"I HAVE IT! A Ball we need to plan a ball, during the time hav the Priest perform a secret ceremony between the two in thy chambers." The man yelled cutting off Roland's rant. A smile spread across his face as he stepped closer to the man kissing both of his cheeks.

"I love it, Miguel! Run start planning it now and I will tell my son the good news!" He said happily until the Queen showed her ugly face. She had a scrawl telling the King that she was about to complain about something that he did not want to hear about.

"I do not think I gave you permission to enter the King's chambers, Queen Evelyn."

"Oh please. I can come and go as I bloody, please. Madam Ruth has become a nuisance she was the one giving all of those potions to Lady Winifred. I did not want to believe it Lady Winfred was such a nice Lady.... So, spare her and burn Madam Ruth." Evelyn said.


"NO!?" She yelled as Roland stared at her. "You will not tell me no! Burn the witch or I will order it myself!"

"Evelyn, you have no power to do a bloody thing. I think you forget that you are only Queen by title. I removed all of thy power when you burn Josephine and Rose and beheaded Sir James without a cause...."

"THEY KILLED THY FATHER THE KING!" She yelled as Roland shook his head. He knew the truth in his heart but needed the proof to have her head.

"You need to leave. I have other things that need to be done besides fussing with the likes of you. There will be no burning anyone at the stake this day or any other day unless I say that Ruth is a nuisance. NOW BLOODY LEAVE!" He yelled making Evelyn jump as she nodded and left the room.

Penelope did not think she would ever see Mabel again

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Penelope did not think she would ever see Mabel again. She knew Josephine told her that she was safe but safe with who. That was the part that was never told. Still, she was just happy that Mabel was alive and well.

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