𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 | 14

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Evelyn couldn't stop thinking about the ball and what the king was up to. Yes, they had balls all the time but something about this felt a little off to The Queen. Roland was secretive about it and the planners would leave soon as she saw them. It didn't matter to Evelyn she had her ways of getting things out of the servants whether they wanted to talk or not.

"Oh, great another of the King's bastards. Lady Alicia, what are you doing here?"

"You are the most rudest people I know. I should not have to have a reason to visit my dear Father the King nor my brother the Prince. Still, it seems to bother thee. Are you still mad that my Father will not lay with an ill mouth person such as thyself? Or is that fact you are realizing that thee hav no control?" Alicia spoke with a smirk making the queen frown. Evelyn hated all of Roland's little bastards. All had ill mouths and it had rubbed off on her dear Theodore.

"You are just as thy mother... a whore with a title. Lady Alicia nothing you could say can hurt my feeling. Now run along and go cry to thy father." Evelyn said as Alicia laughed walking away with a smirk. She didn't know what she was smiling for when she did nothing to offend her.

However, Evelyn didn't let it bother her as she left in the other direction seeking one of the servants. For some reason, all were hard to find in the morning after their morning meal when their job was to clean all the bedchambers, but they choose to do what they pleased, and the king allowed it. He was too easy on the wretches, and she hated it.

"I cannot believe how much she looks like her mother. It was as if I was seeing a spirit."

"Hush child you should not talk about that in the opening. You never know when and where the queen is lurking. Go finish thy chores."

"Dorothy, should I help Penelope and Lady Mabel this morn or will it be one of the others. I am supposed to be with Her Majesty. I know she is looking for I."

"Help the queen before she comes searching for thee. I will tend to Penelope and Lady Mabel."

"Yes madam." The young servant said. Evelyn was confused for a moment because there was no lady in the castle by the name of Mabel. Slowly it all came back to her. Mabel was what Prince Theodore called the witch in the field that day.

Was she inside the castle? Did the king allow this? It didn't matter because the little whore had to leave. There was no way Evelyn was going to allow the daughter of Josephine to be in her castle. Her mother had done enough then her son was fancy of her. For as she knew it was his sister and she didn't care what Sir George said about it. Before Evelyn knew it her feet carried her to the tower where Queen Mother's living chambers were banging on the door once more.

"Queen Evelyn I thought Prince Theodore made himself clear when he said not to come back here."

"That little whore is here! Where is she?!" She yelled trying to push herself by the old woman who would not move. "GUARDS! GUARDS!" Evelyn shout it. "Queen Mother has disobeyed the King. She has bought a witch into the castle. Take her to the dungeon and search her chambers!"

"I hav not disobeyed my son! And do not lay a bloody finger on me until you go get His Majesty!" Penelope said while the three guards looked at one another. All nodded as one left coming back a short time later with the King, Prince, and Sir Linus.

"What is all this?! Hav you not have respect for thy Queen Mother?" King Roland said with a frown.

"Thy Mother has a witch in our castle. The very same witch that has bewitched our son! We must burn her at the stake at once My King!" Evelyn said. Roland and Theodore looked at one another then behind her making Evelyn turn slightly seeing the young witch with glowing purple eyes.

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