𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝐹𝑖𝑣𝑒 |25

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Evelyn woke once again from what was called a horrible nightmare. Another night of tossing and turning and seeing imaging of Ruth. The thing was it felt like all of her nightmares were getting worse and Ruth was doing more to get to her. Every time the queen would shut her eyes she would see Mabel standing over her with a knife. Then she swore that Iris's face changed some moons back.

None of this was making any sense to Evelyn. No, she did not trust or want the little witch to be married to her son. Still, Mabel has never shown her an evil side to her. All the girl has ever done was try and help her, but Ruth was showing her differently. Could it be that she was actually showing her the truth about Mabel? Or was the side that Evelyn was seeing of her was Mabel's true side. Although Evelyn did not care either way Mabel had to go. There was no way she could stay within her castle or her kingdom.

Slowly the queen rose from her bed look about her chambers, as always Ruth was in the corner with glowing red eyes. Now looking like some sort of demon or devil. Her spirit was getting stronger by the day while Evelyn was getting weaker. She was not going to let this wretch kill her and if she did Mabel and whoever else was going down with her.

Then she had another issue Mabel was with child. Something that plagued her thoughts. She could not believe that Theodore had gotten her that way and was sure it was Lord Edwards until she saw her visions. One thing Evelyn knew, Mabel did not force that upon her. She was seeing her grandchild and it was the most beautiful human she had seen.

It hurt Evelyn to her heart knowing that she could not allow such a child to be born. If it had of been Lady Winifred or one of the other white gentlewomen and not a witch. Evelyn would not have cared but this could not be. She could not and would not have a half-breed or whatever they were called as a grandchild. Then the king and his mother were happy. How could they be? What on earth was wrong with them? Hell, what was wrong with her son doing this shite to her?

All of the above were questions no one could answer for her, and she searched for the answers. Now it was up to her to end all of this as she was set out to do this day. Today was going to find a sure way to kill Mabel and if she could help it the witch would be before she give birth to the horrible thing she was carrying.

"Tsk... Tsk... Tsk! You really think you can end Mabel just like that?" Ruth laughed as she watched the queen dress herself before walking back over to the bed sitting. "Haha... you are about to be very disappointed Queen Evelyn. Mabel is not going to let you kill her or her unborn child nor will thy son. Prince Theodore will have thy head if you touch his beloved."


"I thought I already had. Well, I could always try a little bit harder. What do you think Queen Evelyn? Shall I try a bit harder?" Ruth laughed. "Where are thee going? You cannot escape I!" She yelled as Evelyn quickly made her way out of the room running into no other than Iris as she stood there confused. In the split instance, she saw a slight change in Iris as she had since that day Mabel came to her room.

It was Ruth messing with her... it had to be. It was no way that Iris was a witch or a half-breed and there was no way that she did not know. For as long as Evelyn could remember Iris and her late mother had worked for her. It was the reason she picked Iris to work for her after the woman died. Plus, for her to be a witch meant for her mother to be one and the queen knew that was not true.

"Queen you do not look well. Maybe thee should go back and lay down... rest. Thou need to rest if you continue to strain thy body...."

"What do you know Iris. Thy is just a mere human as I am! Ruth will not kill I... I need to speak with the king. Move out of my way child!" Evelyn yelled walking past the woman as Ruth laughed in her ear whispering 'I Curse Thee!' Something that the queen was growing quite tired of and besides speaking to Iris again she made her way down to the king's chamber walking right in.

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