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The next morning Theodore walked the study floor thinking to himself about what happened early that morn. Was the woman that desperate that she would go as far as this? What did she think the outcome would be? He would bow to her just because she was the Earl's daughter. Or was she planning to slander his name? Either way, the shite was not happening, and he was putting an end to it as he thought.

"Theodore what is all this is about. I was in the middle of something."

"Father, we need to remove Lady Winifred from this year's courting season." He said calmly as he could. King Roland paused for a moment then took the seat behind the oak desk waiting for his son to explain."

"Would you kindly tell me the reason?"

"She was in my chambers last night. I awoke and... and she was upon me." Theodore said. At first, Roland didn't understand as it slowly came to him.

"Preposterous! Lady Winifred would never perform such a lewd act as that. Are you sure it wasn't one of your whores and you were just drunken Theodore?" Roland said. "It had to be a mistake Earl Bennett rise an honorable daughter. "

"Honorable Father?! There is nothing about that wretch that is honorable! And I was not drunken I know what a happened, and I was awoken to her sitting upon my manhood. Season starts within the hour, and I think she should be removed!" Theodore yelled.

"Prince Theo, I thought I made it perfectly clear that thou would not be attending this year's season. Why are you worried about Lady Winifred? The way I see it is to let her attend maybe the young lady in standing will find another young gentleman that catches her eye. Or did you change your mind and decided to find thy betrothal now?" King Roland said making the young prince stop turning to his father.

"No Sire, I still wish not to attend this year's courting season...."

"Then stop pestering thyself about it. If you do not show thy face Lady Winifred will have no other choice but to find someone else." King Roland spoke. Theodore nodded still something was not right about the whole situation.

"What if she does not, Father?"

"I will have one of my Royal Guards watch her. If that pleases you, dear son." Roland said as Theodore nodded. Although it did not make him feel any better, the truth was he wanted Lady Winifred gone from the castle grounds.

 Although it did not make him feel any better, the truth was he wanted Lady Winifred gone from the castle grounds

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Queen Evelyn couldn't believe her ears; King Roland was actually playing into Theodore's crying game. The prince was such a wimp crying to the King over a little force from a gentlewoman. Theodore should have been happy with the fact that Winifred was not one of the many whores that he always found himself with.

"Queen Evelyn was thee trying to speak with the King?"

"Oh, George you startled me! No... no, I was just venturing by and noticed something in my shoe." Evelyn smiled as the King's Guard stood there glaring. Evelyn was sure that Roland assigned him to Theodore. Why was he standing guard at the King's throne room? However, she didn't want to know. King Roland was strict about her being there which was no time unless it was a formal business matter involving the King and Queen. Or she had to be invited.

The Prince's WitchWhere stories live. Discover now