𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒 | 23

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Mabel was still trying to wrap her head around what happened the other day. She was sure the guards were trying to take her and Linus told her to do something, but it seemed that all of it was in her head. Linus was concerned for her as she was for herself. This give the queen something that she could use against her, and the guards were there to witness it all.

Although King Roland told her not to worry about it. Mabel couldn't help but worry and the fact the prince was gone. Three days ago, was the last time she had seen or heard from him. Since the king decided to send him away on important matters as he called it. Away from her leaving her right where the queen could get her and it frightened Mabel.

Everyone was telling her it was nothing to worry about. That she was a witch and was capable of protecting herself, but that did not help her mother or grandmother when the queen decided to take their heads. Then every time she left the room one of the queen's men was there watching her. It became anxious and Mabel just did not know what she should do.

"Duchess I hav thy morning meal. Queen Mother told me to make sure that you ate some meat this morn. So, you hav been, toast, mushrooms, tomatoes, potatoes, bacon, eggs, and black pudding." Beatrice spoke making Mabel scrunch up her nose.

"Eh, I will eat the eggs and black pudding but no bacon...."

"Duchess, what is the difference between the black pudding and bacon? Both come from an animal." Mabel just glared at the woman before her as she pulled up from the bed rubbing her giant belly. "You are getting bigger by the day. It will not be long before your little human is here."

"That is was what scares me, Lady Beatrice. Queen Evelyn knows that I am with child now. What is she planning on doing? I cannot get what happened out of my head three suns ago. Ruth was in my head she made me see something that was not there. How is she so powerful even in death?"

"Dark magic does a lot of things. Ruth called upon the spirits of the underworld to help her curse Queen Evelyn. It is why her curse on the queen is so powerful...."

"Ruth gave her soul to the devil." Beatrice nodded pointing to the chair across from the bed. Slowly Mabel nodded as she quickly took the seat and sighed.

"That's one way of putting it. Evil is in these castle walls, so it will bring evil here. I think it has been dwelling here for a while. The queen loves using it but does not understand the dangers of dark magic. It consumes you and thee is the light that is needed to rid of it."

"I am the light. How is that so?" Mabel asked making Beatrice laugh shaking her head. It was true the girl knew nothing of herself. Ruth wanted it to be that way. For one she wanted her magic but didn't understand that a true witch such as Mabel and herself that no one could take their magic.

"Thou is a witch of light. Everything in your being is good, just as myself. We were made from light so to say, Mabel.... How can I put this? Thy father Sir George and thy mother Lady Josephine were the strongest witches I know...."

"Sir George as in my father Sir George is a magical being, a warlock. He never told me this." Mabel spoke as Beatrice smiled. He probably thought she could feel his magic, but the girl was dumb in that area. "Is that why he fought off my familiar so easily? Onyx why did you not tell me this?"

"With all due respect My Lady I was not the one thee shove down the knight's throat. Only a distance family member and they cannot speak to them." He said changing back into his snake form before Mabel could question him more.

"Someone is moody this day. He is feeding off of your feelings Duchess. Are you upset about something?"

"I am. My Prince is away, and the queen has her men following I...."

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