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After George scurry off into the dark field Theodore turned back to Mabel waiting for her answer. His intense grey eyes stared into her own causing her to look away quickly. Mabel had never been the type to be bothered by a stare, but Theodore's did something else. It made her feel as if she was under his control and he was the one with the magical powers.

"I... I... Ruth came to me at the beginning of the season. She wanted me to make a love potion for Lady Winifred. Except she did not tell me who she was until the second time...."

"You made the love potion!"

"NO! No, I did not! It was after our first meeting and when she told me it was to make the Prince fall in love with another. I broke the vial and told her it was my last. Of course, I lied but Ruth did not know. Then nights went by, and she came into my shack covered in blood. Another potion that she was to give to Lady Winifred, but I damage that one as well, Sire. I would never hurt you, Theodore." She said reaching out to touch him, but he pulled away.

Mabel sighed hugging herself watching as the Prince started to walk back and forward in the darkness before turning to the cabin. Like a sick animal, she followed him in and stood there waiting for him to speak. He was mad she could tell as he run his fingers through his beautiful brown hair.

"A-are you upset with I, Sire?"

"Why did you not tell me?" He asked pointing his finger in her face. Mabel stepped back trying her best not to show her emotions because sometimes it did not end well. Theodore continued to yell as tears build up in her eyes.

"I AM SORRY THEODORE!" She yelled as her eyes glowed purple. Something changed in her and Theo felt it. "I did not think to tell thee. Yes, Ruth is a witch but her powers lie in spells, and her familiar without me she cannot make a bloody potion! They always come back and bite her in the arse!" She yelled wiping her tears. Theodore stood back for a moment sighing before stepping closer and embracing her.

"No, I am sorry Mabel. I should not have gotten upset with thee. I know what Ruth did had nothing to do with you. I am just upset that Her Majesty would go to great lengths to hav me betroth Lady Winifred. It leaves me asking what does she get out of the matter." He said resting her face against his chest.

"You have to lift your spell off Sir George. His Majesty will notice that he is acting of the strange. He is a good gentleman and a great guard to the king and I. I will speak with him. You have my word Mabel no harm will come to thee." Theodore said kissing her and then holding her to his chest tightly.

"O-okay bring him to me in the morn I will try my best.... Theodore. The King did not send him here. Her Majesty did." Mabel said making Theodore go stiff and looking down into her eyes.

"I need to take my leave, Mabel. I promise I will be back in the morn." Prince Theodore spoke kissing her one more time before leaving. He hated to leave Mabel but needed to get back to the castle before his mother did something irrational.

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