𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑂𝑛𝑒 | 21

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What could she have known about her death? There was no way Evelyn was dying... well not anytime soon. The witch was out to get her, and she could feel it. The only thing Mabel was doing was digging her claws into her flesh. Trying to make Evelyn believe something that she knew nothing about. Or was she just that powerful that she could see the future? Evelyn needed to know and needed to know how she could kill the little wretch.

That whole day Evelyn walked about the castle trying to figure out a way to rid of Mabel. It was hard to do since the prince was always around the woman. What was King Roland thinking about marrying the two? She was a commoner! No matter what her parents were. They were long gone and forgotten, and she had no bloody title.

And Evelyn couldn't believe how the servants had taken up with her. As of now they were all smiling and talking about Prince Theodore's new bride and oh how beautiful she was. It was nothing charming about the little witch. Not to Queen Evelyn anyhow. All she wanted was a way to rid of the girl, but it was hard to do when she had hexed the whole castle.

"Iris there has to be someone in the castle that is on my bloody side. Hav she hexed them all?"

"Queen I really think you are overreacting. Duchess...."

"SHE IS NOT A BLOODY DUCHESS! What is wrong with you all?! The king, his mother, and everyone else in this bloody castle has lost it! She is a witch that is all it is to it!" Evelyn yelled turning to Iris. As of now, everyone in the main hall was staring at the Queen and her loud manner.

"Her Majesty maybe you should go take your rest. You are not thyself...."

"Do not tell me what I am or what I need to do! I am fine Lady Iris!" She said loudly as she stood quickly making her way out to the room stopping suddenly. "I Curse Thee!" Ruth's burnt figure said hanging from the ceiling. Evelyn could not escape it no matter how hard she tried.

"Queen...." Iris spoke gently touching her shoulder. Evelyn blinked a few times before turning to her lady. "Is everything of the alright?" She asked.

"Yes, pay me no mind Iris. Maybe you are right I do need to lay down, something is not right with my head. It has this terrible pain right in the back of my nogging." She spoke touching the back of her head. Iris nodded as she lead Evelyn to her chamber, where she still could not receive any rest.

Mabel was in a better mood after what happened the other day

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Mabel was in a better mood after what happened the other day. She could not believe that Ruth burnt and curse her lands for magic that could never be hers. Ruth had to know that magic was only past down from one family member to the next and sometimes it skipped over one or two generations. She was not of her family therefore she could not handle her powers. That she knew but did not understand how Ruth did not.

Also, Mabel saw her mother for the first time. Yes, it was in a dream or vision. Still, she saw now why everyone was so over the hill about her appearance. She looked exactly like her mother down to the eye color. She was her mother reborn; the question was. Was this what her mother wanted to be reborn as she? Or was it something that just happened?

"Duchess! You cannot be out in the fields bare!" One of the servants yelled quickly covering her with a cloth. "What if someone saw...."

"Who are thee?" Mabel asked as her eyes begin to glow. This was someone that she had yet to see and she was out in the field with her when she was supposed to be alone. Quickly the servant stepped back with a small bow.

"Sorry, Duchess. Me name is Beatrice, and I am your lady in waiting."

"But I am not Queen." Mabel spoke while Beatrice look down at the ground. "Lady Beatrice look at me when I am speaking. I am nothing like the other royals around here. I know how it can be, being less than them. How they treat us... I will not do that." Mabel said touching the girl's chin that did not seem too much older than her.

"But you are of royal...."

"I am not! No matter what my title is or what the king says. I was bought up as a dirty commoner as Queen Evelyn says about I. A witch, a nobody." She sighed. "Did King Roland give thee to me?"

"No Duchess, Queen Mother did. She told I to keep my eye on thee. To make sure that the Queen did not get near...."

"You are a witch. My goodness, how many witches do this family knows?" Mabel said making Beatrice giggle looking everywhere but at her. This was quite strange what was Queen Mother up to and what was up with all the witches.

"Queen Mother like to help us save. Some years ago, Her Majesty was finding all the ways she could to rid of us witches. Some were not even of the power. She dislikes witches and folks of your color. To her, every dark woman or man must be a witch and warlock. She had the town folks believing it too. Queen Mother and King Roland move us all to the woods in the deep west of the castle giving us a little village there. You will be surprised Duchess Mabel of how many of us work within the castle. Right under Queen Evelyn's nose." She smiled.

"The crazy woman only believes that my color can be witches. What of Ruth?"

"She thought that your mother and grandmother gave Ruth the power. Little does she knows witches are born into their powers, not the other way around. Now Duchess you cannot be in the field bare. Prince Theodore will have a bloody fit if another man is to see thee. And we did not need for folks to see that you are with child. Not just yet." Beatrice smirked. 

"I am the only one that cannot sense other witches and things about them?"

"You can my lady. You just were never taught to. I could do it you wish me to Duchess." Beatrice smiled making Mabel as she nodded.  Quickly she cover her so both turn to make thier by the the castle. On the way back they ran into Iris.

"Duchess, I hav been looking for thee."

"What for? So, you can go and tell Queen Evelyn what you have seen here?"  Mabel asked as Iris stared at her for a moment then shaking her head sighing.

"I want to help thee. You would not understand at this moment. Just know that I am on thy side, and I will do what I must to keep thou safe. Madam Ruth claws are deep into the queen's core.... I have said too much." Iris said running off quickly. Something about her talk did not sit well with Mabel. She felt something weird about it. Could Iris too been a witch? One that Queen was using? Or did the queen not know? Now Mabel had something she needed to figure out, but it had to wait until after her teatime with her father Sir George.

 Could Iris too been a witch? One that Queen was using? Or did the queen not know? Now Mabel had something she needed to figure out, but it had to wait until after her teatime with her father Sir George

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