𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝐸𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 | 28

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Roland knew Evelyn would try something as she did at the ball the night before. It was the reason he made sure at least ten guards were standing around them. Although Mabel could handle herself, he did not want the kingdom to know of her powers until she was truly ready to show them herself now that she had full control of them. Plus, the people of their kingdom were more open to witches since he showed they were nothing to fear.

Still, Roland put a rule in effect about dark magic. Neither of them wanted it in their kingdom and if it was used they would face consequences. It also was for the people that asked for the magic. So many folks in their kingdom were relying on hexes and dark magic for things such as wealth, love, and much more it was sickening to Roland. The worst thing was he did not even see it because of the hex Evelyn had over him herself.

She wanted him dead, and he did not understand why Josephine or Rose did not see the hex in the first place. Maybe it was a type of dark magic that neither of them had seen but they should have known since he did not become sick until months before his father's death. What was the use of it and what would have Evelyn gained if he would have died? Or was it a hex to control and it failed horribly? Only questions Evelyn could answer or maybe Mabel.

Roland was hoping Evelyn would one of the reasons he was headed to the dungeons now. He wanted answers. Answers that he needed her to ask her before the new king took her head. Something that he could not wait for and just the thought of it had him smiling from ear to ear. The one person he loath the most was about to die, and Roland could not be happier.

Although he did feel sorry for Evelyn. Her own son had ordered for her head to be taken within two suns. The sad thing was he never raised Theodore to hate his mother. Evelyn did that all on her own. She pushed the young boy too hard trying to make him into something that he was not. Then tried her best to force her ways onto him. Not once did she know Theodore's faith was already chosen for him.

Maybe it was wrong for Roland and Josephine to do so, but as he stated before. Roland did not want the same life he had for Theodore. He deserved to be happy. Hell, so did Mabel. The girl did nothing wrong but be born and Evelyn thought of the shit as a bloody crime. She saw her color as a crime and everything else that did not please her as the queen. No queen should have acted in the way Evelyn did and this is why she was where she was at this day.

"Finally, Roland tell these bloody arsehole to let me out of this bloody cage!"

"Evelyn I am not here to hav them to release thee. Do you not understand that you attacked the Queen?" Evelyn rolled her eyes scoffing as Roland stood there staring with so much hate. Why did his father think she was a great match for him? Then it hit it was all about the power and alliance at the time.

"Queen?" She hissed. "That is not the queen! I will overthrow whatever thou hav done Roland...."

"That you cannot do Evelyn. I had the royal court remove you as queen years ago. Why did thee think she had no power? Queen for you was only a bloody title and I only stayed betrothed to thee because it would look bad for I to divorce. If you would hav tried Evelyn I could have loved thee, but the only thing thou was worried about was power. Besides the crazy things as color." Roland said.

"Love? The only woman you hav ever loved was Josephine and it disgusted me how you let Theodore betrothed his half-sister." Roland laughed shaking his head as the woman talked of something that she knew nothing about.

"Evelyn thee has to be crazy. Josephine was a beautiful gentlewoman, and I can see that it made thee jealous, but I never lay with her. The thought alone caused my skin to crawl, plus my father, mother, Rose, and James would hav beaten she and I all over this castle. This was because Theodore and Mabel's faith was already set. Josephine and I were never meant to be. If so she would be Queen and not thee."

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