𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 | 17

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Evelyn could not believe the king sent her to her chamber as if she was a child. Who did he think he was? She was the queen and should not be treated as such. Her mind was made up she was going back to the ball as she stood looking at herself in the mirror. The did not lie she looked a mess. Evelyn had dark circles under her eyes and her hair was all over the place.

"I Curse Thee!" She heard as Evelyn saw Ruth's disfigured face come into view inside of the mirror. Quickly Evelyn grabbed her robe from the chair threw it over the glass and swiftly left the room. She was still in disbelief there was no way that Ruth had cursed her this had to be all of Mabel's doing.

Evelyn knew now that she had to go, and she knew exactly where to find the little wretch. She was in the corner of the ballroom with Penelope, and she knew it was nobody but the witch because Penelope never was out with anyone else. The sad thing was her son did not know what he had gotten himself to. That girl was dangerous and if no one saw it she did.

"Queen, you are not allowed back in the ball. King's orders."

"WHAT! DO THOU NOT KNOW WHO THEE IS SPEAKING TO?!" Evelyn yelled as George shrugged his shoulder. She could not believe her ears. The king had ordered the guards not to let her in like she was some type of commoner.

"Where is he? I what to speak to His Majesty!" She spoke as Roland came into view. He was frowning and not his usual frown. The king was furious, and Evelyn could tell it was with her. Still, she did not care she needed to know the meaning of this. Why was she being treated as nothing?

"King you remove I from the ball! Hav thee forgot who I am?! THE QUEEN! I AM THE QUEEN AND YOU TREAT ME AS LESS!"

"Queen Evelyn you are making a fool of thyself! You need rest. What is wrong with thee?" He spoke walking her back to the stairs. Evelyn didn't notice what he was doing until they were at the door of her chambers and Roland opened the door. The first thing she saw and Ruth hanging from the ceiling.


"Evelyn have you creaked thy head? Leave go of I...."

"She is in there... she is in there! You do not see? Look there!" She yelled pointing up as the king looked then back at her confused. So did Sir George neither of them saw a thing and when she looked again neither did she.

"Call for the doctor. Queen, I think maybe sick...."

"It is her... that witch Theodore has fancied himself with. She is doing this to me! My King, we must kill her!. You must kill her! Why can thee not see that we are all in danger!" Evelyn said gripping the King's shirt as he pushed her away.

"Where is thy lady?"

"I am right here, Sire." Iris spoke from behind George. Roland nodded as she stepped into the room to his side. Evelyn's eyes widen to see the two so close. There were rumors but now she was seeing for herself.

"It cannot be so! King Roland sleeping with my Lady! Iris how could thee!"

"Now I know thee sick. I hav not touched Lady Iris. She is only two summers elder than Theodore...This is how all the other things begin Queen. Thou is seeing things. I am her King, and she answers to I just as thee." He said shaking his head and sighing. "I must take my leave. Lady Iris, please make sure the Queen rests until the doctor comes and she mustn't leave her chambers."

"Yes, Sire." Iris spoke as she rested in the chair next to the door. Evelyn continued to scream that Mabel was out to get her while they hurried out of the room to find Theodore and his wife.

"Iris I cannot sit here! That witch will kill me if I do!"

"Queen, Lady Mabel is not a harm to anyone. She and Prince Theodore are in love, and I heard talk of their union." Iris said before she realized what she had said. Quickly Evelyn set up with a frown that caused Iris to drawback in her seat.

The Prince's WitchWhere stories live. Discover now