𝑆𝑖𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 |16

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Evelyn smiled to herself as she walked back into the castle. Ruth was gone now all was left was getting rid of the other little witch in the tower with Penelope. Mabel's days were number just as well. Happily, she strolled into her bedchambers ordering her lady to draw her a bath then quickly disrobed. Evelyn stood back and watched as Iris pour the hot water over the tubs adding lavender petals.

"Your bath is ready, Her Majesty."

"Now take thy leave." Evelyn said not sparing the woman a look as she climbed over into the tub.

"You do not wish me to bathe thee?" Iris asked making Evelyn stare up at the girl frowning. No, she did not wish for her to bathe her just yet. Didn't the girl know the meaning of a good soaking?

"I will call for thee when I am ready. Now go stand outside of the chamber door until then!" She yelled as Iris quickly scurried off. Finally, Evelyn was alone as she rubbed the flower petals over her arms, breast and so now. Evelyn laid her head back while she started to tease her treasure until a sound caught her attention from the corner of the room.

Quickly Evelyn's eyes shot open staring in the direction of the noise, but nothing seemed to be there. She sighed lightly as her eyes slowly drift closed once more, "Evelyn... Evelyn..."

"Who is there!" Evelyn hurried to sit up saying. Her eyes scan the room still she did not see a thing. "I am just hearing things. There was no way in bloody hell that Ruth's curse was real. All them witches do is blow hot air." She said to herself laying back again close her eyes.

Once more there was silence and, Evelyn was in a state where she could relax as her breathing started to level out. At a steady pace, she enter into a dream state, but the first thing she saw was Ruth's burnt face. Her skin hung from her face as the woman reach for Evelyn screaming, "I CURSE THEE!"

"NO!" Evelyn jerked awake seeing the woman once more hovering over the wooden tub. It took everything in Evelyn not to let out a blood-crushing scream as she jumped from the bath running toward the door. "IRIS... IRIS... GET THY BLOODY ARSE IN HERE!"

"HER MAJESTY WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEE!" She yelled seeing the Queen on the floor covering her face.

"Get the bloody guards! She is in here! She did not die in the fire!" Evelyn shouted while Iris looked about the room. There was no one there not that she could see anyhow. Still, she called for the guards as they quickly searched the queen's chambers.

"Her Majesty there is no one in thy chambers. Do you wish for me to call for the King?"

"The King? Exactly what is he going to do? It is thy job to protect me. Is it not?" Evelyn asked as the guard stood there looking about the room once more. Nothing was there and he didn't understand what more he could do.

"If you wish Queen I will post outside of thy door, but there is nothing in thy chambers. Maybe the dream man cast thee a bad dream."

"That is just silly nonsense! Just... just leave me at once! Useless... Useless bloody guards that is what all of you are BLOODY USELESS!" She said pulling her grown over her head. Evelyn didn't have the time for this. She needed to sleep and find out what the fuss was about this ball. That was happening coming noon tomorrow.

The bad thing was sleep did not come to her as she tossed and turned all night seeing nothing but Ruth's face. Screaming the same thing over and over again. "I Curse Thee! I Curse Thee!." Also, something that she could not quite understand but it had something to do with the witch they call Mabel.

" Also, something that she could not quite understand but it had something to do with the witch they call Mabel

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